Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Free kibbles

Thanks to a century of asinine deficit spending by our government, instead of keeping spending low and the budget balanced, debt purchased by the Chinese, the Chinese are threatening to dump American dollars in a nuclear, economic move to prevent trade sanctions because of the predatory pricing of their currency. Our government, both parties, are to blame for putting us in this abominable position. Our government knew damn good and well this was going to happen, yet they put in this position anyway.

Bush is finally going to enforce existing laws against hiring illegal immigrants. What a novel idea. Maybe he finally read my email or this blog. If he does it right (which I doubt he will), he'll conduct several highly publicized raids all around the country every day, and withing weeks or at most months, most gate crashers will have gone home on their own. Others will stop coming. We can round up the rest and deport them.

Court orders New York City to release records on protesters arrested at the 2004 Republican National Conventions.

British foot and mouth disease outbreak may have been caused by sabotage.

US deaths from Iranian made explosives reaches an all-time high. Those talks with Iran are producing the wrong results, just as predicted.

US troops kill 30 terrorists. Even if these people weren't terrorists exactly, they sure sound like supporters. Sadr City has been supporting the Mahdi Army murderers for years, and needs to be cleaned out.

Koreas to hold summit.

US freezes assets of charity that supports Hamas. This is what Bush's latest executive order was all about.

Apparently thrilled with $20 billion in new weapons from the infidel, Saudi Arabia expresses support for an independent Palestinian state. Maybe we should have bribed them with weapons long ago.

San Diego firefighters are suing for sexual harassment because they were forced to attend a gay pride parade. Why in the world would firefighters be forced to attend a gay pride campaign? This is nuts.

The US treasury secretary says that the US tax system is hurting the country. Duh! Support the FairTax.

US appeals court rules that terminally ill patients cannot use experimental drugs. This ruling is stupid, and it will cost people their lives.

Maybe Texas' 15 year drought is over. No doubt Al Gore will try to twist this into bad news.

European immigrant reports that the left helps America's enemies with it's personal attacks on President Bush. He says the world's opinion of the US is a direct reflection of those attacks. This is so obvious that it shouldn't need to be said, but liberals won't listen anyway.

Reason says that abortion should be left to the states. Since the Constitution doesn't enumerate any power to regulate abortion, that's pretty obvious.

All Americans should be relieved to learn that Sen. Stevens from Alaska, the king of pork, took all that money from us for the public good. I feel better already. What wonderful altruism, taking money by force from American citizens for the public good as defined by Sen. Stevens and some reporter. I'm pretty sure I would could have made better use of my money for myself than Sen. Stevens.

Rep. Hoekstra (R-MI) blasts the New York Times for exposing our security secrets and misinforming the public about the program and the need for warrantless surveillance of suspected terrorists.

Bush's poll numbers are rising. Democrats are starting to pay the price for overreaching.

Ice acts as a gene bank for bacteria.

Barry Bonds sets new home run record. That's finally over with.

Newt Gingrich takes on bureaucracy in schools, using Detroit as an example.

John Stossel hopes Wisconsin will adopt socialized medicine before so that the rest of the nation can see how terrible it is. Me too.

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