Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Free kibbles

Companies and government trying to censor Wikipedia.

US recognizes China threat to satellites. I would have thought they would have seen the threat when China destroyed that satellite with a missile.

It's one month until Gen. Petraeus reports on the surge. Al Qaeda's counter to the surge, spectacular attacks wherever they can pull them off, is starting.

Hezbollah threatens Israel. It must be Tuesday.

Trying to get a passport from the Homeland Security bureaucracy.

Saggy pants law goes into effect today.

How funny is this? A 1922 edition of the Washington Post reports that Arctic warming is making seals vanish and ice melt.

Are NASA's faces red because they inadvertently misrepresented historic global temperatures to make recent years look extra hot or because they were caught doing it intentionally to fan the global warming flames? More on skeptic Steve McIntyre and his discovery that forced a correction at NASA.

My theory about Huckabee's success in Iowa being due to the FairTax turns out to be right. The Americans for FairTaxation bussed in voters, and apparently they voted for Huckabee, since he boisterously supports the FairTax.

Hell may be freezing over. James Carville actually said something honest.

The NYTimes is acknowledging that the US will be in Iraq for years. The powerful left is trying to correct itself after it's flagrant assault on the war it used to inflame the anti-war movement.

Hillary's documents as First Lady are locked away so that nobody can analyze them. I don't blame that crook for hiding her crimes. I blame the American people for supporting her in her efforts to repeat them.

Gingrich attacks Bush and Congress for allowing illegal immigrants who are murderers to stay in the country, along with every other illegal immigrant. Giuliani vows to stop illegal immigrants with a little bit more enforcement. That's bull.

NASA satellites map Angkor Wat.

Reason discusses the development of the computer.

Scientists say it's more likely that life began in comets than on earth. Wow.

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