Sunday, January 28, 2007

Free kibbles

US and Iraqi troops kill 250 insurgents outside Najaf. Now that's the kind of news America needs to hear. We're on the offensive, and we're being successful. That's how you win a war.

Senate debates anti-war resolution despite being well informed by General Petraeus and Sec. Gates that it hurts American troops' morale and encourages our enemies. Helping our enemies defeat American troops is the goal of the American anti-war movement - the only force in the world that can defeat us. Naturally, Hanoi Jane's anti-war movement steps up just when we're making changes for victory.

Sinn Fein votes to support police.

Fighting in Gaza continues despite calls for calm. This highlights the chaotic nature of the violent factions in the Middle East. They don't recognize authority even in their own groups. Saudi king invites leaders to meet in Mecca.

Israel appoints first Muslim cabinet member. Wow. This won't stop the fanatical murderers attacking Israel, but it might inspire moderate Muslims.

Global court to decide whether or not to perform first trial. I don't like the idea of any global court. I didn't have a say in its establishment or conduct, so it's illegitimate.

Liberal Russian party blocked from participating in elections.

Harry Reid's other corrupt land deal.

Ethanol demand creates tortilla crisis. This is the free market at work. I bet you won't see any articles on the corn farmers who are making a bunch more money - just articles on people who can't buy as much corn or sell as many corn products.

Ebay sellers corrupt auctions.

A must read critique of modern politics from Mark Steyn.
The open defeatists on the Democrat side and the nuanced defeatists among "moderate" Republicans seem to think that big countries can choose to lose small wars. After all, say the "realists," Iraq isn't any more important to Americans than Vietnam was. But a realpolitik cynic knows the tactical price of everything and the strategic value of nothing. This is something on an entirely different scale from the 1930s: Seventy years ago, Britain and Europe could not rouse themselves to focus on a looming war; today, we can't rouse ourselves even to focus on a war that's happening right now. Read 100 percent of the Democratic presidential candidates' platforms and a sizeable chunk of the Republicans': We're full of pseudo-energy for phantom crises and ersatz enemies, like "global warming.''
Democrats allow representatives from US territories, not states, unconstitutional vote in the House.

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