Saturday, January 20, 2007

Free kibbles

China claims space missile test "aimed at peace." In fact, it was just another volley in China and Russia's new Cold War of Terror. I wonder if Billary gave China that technology.

6 party talks to disarm North Korea to resume. I don't think this has a chance of succeeding. Why would Kim Jong Ill give up his nuclear weapons? He has nothing to gain. China has nothing to gain either - they love having North Korea take up our time and resources.

Heads of Fatah and Hamas to meet.

Political rhetoric heats up regarding Iraq surge.

Ohio election recount fraud goes to trial.

Billary launches Presidential bid. Maybe they'll finally have to answer for their crimes.

Race to digitize books continues.

Chinese professor cracks cornerstone internet encryption scheme.

Amsterdam to erect statue honoring prostitutes.

The relationship between China and Iran.

Scandal over failure to find evidence of scandal is leading to a Constitutional crisis in Britain.

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