Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Free kibbles

Sen. Kennedy plans to personally repeat the mistakes of Vietnam by opposing funding for the troop surge. Kennedy was instrumental in defeating American in Vietnam - the communists killed over 2.5 million people after Kennedy and Congress cut off funding. Representative McGovern - another name famous for defeating America, is trying to legislate our defeat.

U.S. strikes al Qaeda targets in Somalia.

Fred Kaplan says Bush's surge won't work. Maybe not, but it's better than surrendering without trying, but only if Bush frees the troops to take on all the bad guys. No safe havens for al Sadr.

Illegal immigrant sex offenders.
"Illegal immigrants who commit sex crimes first cross the U.S. border illegally, then gradually commit worse crimes and are continually released back into society or deported. Those who were deported simply returned illegally again. There is a clear pattern of criminal escalation. From misdemeanors such as assault or DUI, to drug offenses, illegal immigrants who commit sex crimes break U.S. laws repeatedly."
ACLU sues police for detaining illegal aliens.

Don't get excited about gridlock. With Bush vowing to work with Democrats, things could get much worse.

If Republicans go along with a tax hike, they'll be 40 years in the wilderness.

The press is getting ahead of their game - accusing the Whitehouse of planning to gin up intelligence against Iran before it happens.

The press is giving Sandy Berger and Bill Clinton a free ride after Berger's plea deal for stealing and destroying records from the National Archives, after receiving a "permission slip" from Bill.

U.S. city bans smoking in cars with children. U.K. couple investigated for smoking in their own home.

The ascension of China and North Korea's danger will force Japan to become a military power.

Can we get beyond race-based quotas please?

Birds dropping dead in Australia.

Naked parties the rage at Ivy league colleges. But where are the pictures?

Dracula's castle for sale.

Zoo puts humans on display. I hope they're volunteers.

Boortz explodes the myth that the rich don't pay their fair share of taxes.



  1. Dracula's castle for sale.

    Ok lets all start saving our change, could be a nice vacation home.?

  2. YAY! I'm glad to find your blog (from your profile at Lost-Pol. I haven't read full posts, aside from the Humans on display in Australia (awesome)- but, it looks like I'll really enjoy what you've got to say :)

    -Melanie from Lost-Tv and Lost-Politics
