Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Free kibbles

North Korea is helping Iran with nuclear testing. This is what we get for allowing Russia and China to enable these two countries to develop nuclear weapons in the New Cold War of Terror. I bet Iran is going to test a North Korea nuke, they might as well test in Iran as North Korea, and leave the world wondering if it really is a nuclear power. North Korea's first nuclear test was probably just to guarantee a sale to Iran. Newt says Israel is facing a nuclear holocaust while the rest of the world sleeps.

Russia criticizes US for putting missile defense in Poland. They think we should allow the world to be vulnerable to Russian missiles or it will upset the balance of power. Meanwhile, they're assisting Iran in getting nukes.

China vows to purify the internet, may have world's largest online population in 2 years.

And we're so stupid, we keep treating China and Russia as allies, making them rich with our trade. Democrats and Republicans just love China and Russia.

Coalition troops assault insurgent stronghold in Baghdad.

US strikes at al Qaeda in Somalia again.

In depth view of Hezbollah's attempt to overthrow the Lebanese government.

Media bias against Libby continues. The prosecution is trying to convict Libby of perjury in a witchhunt because there was no real crime in Valerie Plame non-affair, but the press is still trying to show Libby in the worst possible light by saying his lawyers attack prosecution witness.

GOP wants Sandy Berger to undergo a lie detector test. In his plea deal, before the investigation was even aware he had hidden records under a dumpster, Berger agreed to a lie detector. Let's see if the DOJ will carry through.

Key to Diebold voting machines copied from Diebold website.

Milton Friedman in Reason. Monday is Milton Friedman day.

Pete Du Pont explains how "pay as you go" is really code for growing government faster.

Petraeus is the right man for the wrong job.

Mike Nifong, the Duke rape ex-prosecutor, faces new charges that could lead to disbarment.

Praise for Bush's State of the Union address. There probably won't be much. Text of speech.

Libertarian party response to State of the Union speech.

Non-lethal weapons are no panacea against war casualties. This might be fine for riot police, but I don't see the point for the military.

Walter Williams discusses "global warming" as government boogie-man

Our immigration security is overwhelmed and broken, and Bush wants to add "guest workers" to their load. This is recipe for disaster for many reasons.

Save your pennies - they'll soon be worth a nickel

Microsoft tries to hire blogger to edit Wikipedia data to favor Microsoft.

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