Friday, September 05, 2014


Ceasefire in Ukraine brokered by Putin.

Both sides declared victory in Gaza.
"But then, Gaza happened, a war that could possibly become Netanyahu’s biggest miscalculation, and perhaps the reason for his downfall. Aside from the collapse in his approval ratings, down from 82% on 23 July, to less than 38% shortly after the ceasefire announcement, the man’s own language in his post-ceasefire press conference is telling enough."
That doesn't sound like victory to me. That sounds like a big mistake.

US military charter messes up and lands in Iran. The Iranian generously allow it to leave unmolested. Imagine if the tables were turned. The US would do no such thing.

Western rulers are using ISIS as an excuse to arm the Kurds for their own nefarious purposes.

US hasn't investigated documents taken in bin Laden raid. This claim that the Pakistan military was oblivious to the US raid on bin Laden for over 40 minutes is not credible.
"More disturbing, many of the analysts and military experts with access to the documents were struck by a glaring contradiction: As President Obama and his team campaigned on the coming demise of al Qaeda in the runup to the 2012 election, the documents told a very different story. "
Obama's claim about routing al Qaeda wasn't credible either.

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