Monday, September 22, 2014

Police State

Police chief tells the truth when he thinks only rulers are listening.
"“We have historically been a paramilitary organization,” observed Indianapolis Police Chief Rick Hite during a September 17 City Council meeting. “And we serve whoever sits in that chair, regardless of race, gender, creed, or political party. I don’t know what we would do if we had to go to battle, and we had to make a determination, based on past practices, whether or not we wanted to go into battle. … I am a soldier in an army. We serve you in that way…. We should not be in a position where we’re going to have to decide how we’re going to police this city.”"
They don't serve us.

One way to catch whistleblowers is to convince them to upload their files to a service and identify themselves. I like that people are thinking like this.

FBI requires police departments to sign a non-disclosure agreement before allowing them to use Stingray fake cell phone towers. Why can't police buy their own?

New iPhone and Android encryption scare police agencies. They'll make this illegal in no time. This is still a good economic move for Apple and Google because it puts the onus on government to make it illegal, then the companies don't get blamed.

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