Sunday, September 28, 2014


Obama claims US underestimated ISIS.
"As the fight against Islamic State extremists in the Middle East accelerates, US officials acknowledge that they both underestimated the strength and fierceness of the enemy and overestimated the ability of Iraqi forces to counter the group also known as ISIS or ISIL."
I don't believe it. Obama used ISIS to attack Assad and oust Maliki. ISIS is exactly what the US created it to be.

ISIS war has already cost $1 billion.
"The air war in Syria and Iraq has already cost nearly $1 billion and ultimately could cost as much as $22 billion per year if a large ground force is deployed to the region, according to an analysis by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments."

Bombing campaign against ISIS is futile if you want to defeat them, but Obama doesn't want to destroy ISIS. He wants to destroy Syria.

The real reasons the US is bombing Syria.
"Phase two of the war against Syria is the introduction of 5,000 “moderate” mercenaries (as opposed to immoderate ones), who were trained in Saudi Arabia, the hotbed of Wahhabism, at an initial installment cost of $15 billion. These new “moderates” will replace the old “moderates,” who became ISIS, just in time for Halloween."
Obama will pretend to be surprised.
"To sell its case, the administration is borrowing from the fear mongering tactics of the Bush administration. ISIS poses no direct, immediate threat to the United States –The White House even said so yesterday, just hours before bombing commenced — yet we are being sold make-believe about ISIS sleeper cells."
That admission must have been an accident.

More on the Pentagon's space drone.

Drone pilots suffer emotionally.

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