Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Over $1 billion raised for congressional elections, down from recent years.

On the ridiculous claim that some point of politics or law is settled forever.

Ron Paul on the upcoming Swiss referendum on gold, central bank policy and banking policy.
"Just like the US and the EU, Switzerland at the federal level is ruled by a group of elites who are more concerned with their own status, well-being, and international reputation than with the good of the country. The gold referendum, if it is successful, will be a slap in the face to those elites. The Swiss people appreciate the work their forefathers put into building up large gold reserves, a respected currency, and a strong, independent banking system. They do not want to see centuries of struggle squandered by a central bank. The results of the November referendum may be a bellwether, indicating just how strong popular movements can be in establishing central bank accountability and returning gold to a monetary role."
It's too bad that's being squandered.

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