Friday, September 12, 2014


Asking if Scotland is big enough to go it alone seems like a silly question.
"Statistically speaking, at least. Why? Because according to numbers from the World Bank Development Indicators, among the 45 sovereign countries in Europe, small countries are nearly twice as wealthy as large countries. The gap between biggest-10 and smallest-10 ranges between 84 percent (for all of Europe) to 79 percent (for only Western Europe). This is a huge difference: To put it in perspective, even a 79 percent change in wealth is about the gap between Russia and Denmark."
People are better able to restrict smaller governments.
"Even among linguistic siblings the differences are stark: Germany is poorer than the small German-speaking states (Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein), France is poorer than the small French-speaking states (Belgium, Andorra, Luxembourg, and Switzerland again and, of course, Monaco). Even Ireland, for centuries ravaged by the warmongering English, is today richer than their former masters in the United Kingdom, a country 15 times larger."
This is exactly what I would expect.

In a hilarious case of the pot calling the kettle black, Bill Clinton claims Putin hangs on to power because of his control of the media. You can't make this stuff up.

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