Wednesday, September 10, 2014


The recent fall in unemployment is because long-term unemployment benefits ended.
"Looking at this table from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we see that the number of people unemployed for less than five weeks has actually risen from August 2013 to August 2014, while the number unemployed 27 weeks or more has declined by more than 30%."
That's no surprise. If you pay people not to work, they won't work. Of course, people are taking worse jobs than they lost.

U2 gave away its latest album, but still makes money by performing.

Claims that states which increased the minimum wage saw more employment growth than those which didn't don't stand up to scrutiny.
"In addition, this data clearly demonstrates that the Florida unemployment rate was decreasing every month prior to the minimum wage being raised from 7.4 percent in July 2013 to 5.9 percent in December 2013 before increasing to 6.3 percent upon introduction of the new minimum wage in January."
"Finally, if raising minimum wages does increase the number of jobs in these states, why don’t their governors and legislatures raise the minimum wage to $100 to $1,000 dollars per hour? To ask the question is to answer it as even these interventionist politicians know that no one besides government bureaucrats would still be employed under such as system."

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