Friday, April 19, 2013

Police State

After looking worse than the Keystone Kops and oppressing an entire city for nearly 24 hours, the cops stumbled upon the 19 year old suspect who exposed them as incompetent for a week. Maybe the blood trail gave him away although the cops reportedly missed it earlier. The most sickening part of the finale is the parasitic brass patting each other on the back, nearly breaking their arms in the process. It's like a Miss America pageant except all the contestants are claiming credit for solving a crime they failed to prevent and failed to solve for a week. They all keep saying the police worked together. They hit that point over and over. What that means is they didn't work together at all. They're overcompensating to cover up the internal rivalries and conflicts that made them so inept all week.

People on the left rooted for these terrorists to be white, anti-government people. People on the right rooted for them to be brown Muslims. Some rooted for them to be foreigners. Others rooted for them to be home-grown. Everybody won. The two terrorists are Caucasian, Muslim, foreign, and homegrown all. It's like the politicians and the media got together and designed by committee the two guys who would satisfy the predetermined viewpoint of every American faction. Now every American faction can be more scared about terrorism than ever. The Onion sums it up nicely, "Study: Majority Of Americans Not Informed Enough To Stereotype Chechens." I wish that would be the end of it, but it won't.

As always, the most important question to ask about the Boston Marathon terrorist attack is who benefited. Obviously the Russians benefited because they gained tremendous international support in their millennia long conflict against Chechens. The US government is another big winner. Despite two young men making the trillion dollar police state look fools for a week in one of the most spectacularly publicized failures of government since 9/11, America's tyrants shut down a city of a million people for a day for no good reason while thousands of troops - I mean cops - marched through the streets in search of one man. And most Americans think this was a good thing. One tyrant lamented he couldn't lock down an entire city or state. That'll be the goal the police state champions try to make possible. The big losers are Chechens and Muslims. Maybe we should look a little deeper than the story government and its propagandists push on us.

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