Monday, April 29, 2013


Lockdown comes to Dayton.
"Graley was arrested around 8:45 p.m. on Sunday but police and the SWAT team kept the area on lockdown because of a reported second suspect that was still in the apartment building, said police."
"Residents of neighboring homes and apartment buildings were evacuated by police, according to reports."
Best yet, they did this for nothing.
"Graley made statements indicating that someone else could still be inside and armed, but no one else was located inside following the lengthy standoff."
Real patriots are rolling over in their graves.

Policeman twists ankle chasing jaywalkers. Poor baby. I bet these guys were black. They never chase jaywalkers from CareSource.

Why does the city ban minors from being out past 11?

School evacuated for misidentified science project. Ten years ago, everybody would have said stuff like this couldn't happen in America. Today it happens every day.

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