Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Professional Politicians Must Lie Without Conscience

One of the reasons government is such an evil institution is the system  insures that only those who lie without conscience can rise to power. People who lie without conscience have no conscience about performing other immoral and abominable acts either. The only limit on the evil aristocrats do to us is the threat of taking away their power. Here are some of the ways our system insures that only those who lie without conscience rise to the top:

The very first thing a candidate must convince voters is that he or she is working in their best interest. But that's impossible. Every individual has individual interests. No two individuals, not even a husband and wife, have identical interests. So the politician must convince voters he will do the impossible. And because the politician can only work in the best interest of one individual, the individual the politician inevitably chooses is himself. He obviously can't admit this to voters or he wouldn't get elected, so he must lie about whose interests he will represent.

Because government is funded by stealing money from people at the point of a gun, and the only actions government can take are either restricting action or mandating action at the point of gun, government is violence and the threat of violence. So the competition for power and advancement in government is based on who can loot the most money from the people for himself and his cronies through taxation or regulations. Once a candidate is elected and becomes a ruling class aristocrat, he can't tell voters this truth about government. He has to lie about it to stay in power.

It can't be another other way. This is one of the reasons why there's no such thing as good government.

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