Saturday, October 02, 2010

Free kibbles


The government labor unions, living high on the hog on money stolen from us at the point of a gun, is the major force behind the political push for higher taxes and more government spending. In his book Bureaucracy, written in 1944, Ludwig von Mises describes this very problem.
"One by one, Mises discusses and dispatches the pillars of progressive dogma: government spending can create jobs for the unemployed; the service motive is better than the profit motive; government choices are superior to individual choices; the Constitution is an unnecessary impediment to the welfare state.
Mises draws on then-recent events to chart the development of government omnipotence in Europe. He points out that prior to the collapse of democratic constitutions, the state was the source of income for large segments of the electorate and concludes, "Representative democracy cannot subsist if a great part of the voters are on the government payroll.""
We've done everything Mises recommended against, and that's why our country is on the verge of collapse.
"He also remarks that totalitarianism could have been "nipped in the bud" if its proponents had not succeeded in indoctrinating the youth. He observes that European totalitarianism was the result of Marxist and other proponents of government control dominating education. "The universities paved the way for the dictators," he writes and later adds, "The most enthusiastic supporters of Marxism, Nazism, and Fascism were the intellectuals, not the boors.""
Again, this is exactly what we've done in the US. See how Obama advisor and ex-SEIU chief Andy Stern's plan to make every young person between the ages of 16 and 24 a government employee. A conclusion from the original article:
"The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau."
That's the sad truth.


Did we really need a study to tell us that people who work longer, harder and smarter tend to make more money that people who don't?
"Research by professors Mark Aguiar and Erik Hurst combined the results of several large surveys (including studies where randomly chosen subjects kept detailed time diaries), and found that the working time for upper-income professionals has increased compared with 1965, while total annual working time for low-skill, low-income workers has decreased.

Research by Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel Prize-winning psychologist, shows that "being wealthy is often a powerful predictor that people spend less time doing pleasurable things and more time doing compulsory things and feeling stressed."

His study found that people who earn less than $20,000 a year, for instance, spent more than a third of their time in passive leisure, like kicking back and watching TV. By contrast, those earning more than $100,000 a year (more affluent than wealthy), spent less than a fifth of their time in passive leisure."
Yes we did. We need many such studies and stories until the myth that the only difference between those who make a lot of money and those who make little is luck.

Prediction that 80,000 people will be laid off on Wall Street. Wow. And we get the insight explaining Wall Streets crazy profits after the financial meltdown:
"Note also Whitney's comment on the Fed buying paper held by the investment banks. She is spot on. That is where Wall Street "trading profits" came from last year. I have been pounding home this point. The trading profits were really gifts from the government. Now that those programs are winding down those "profits" are no longer coming down the scam tunnel. "
Gifts from the Fed. Anybody can show great profits if the Fed counterfeits some money and buys all your product at the asking price. It's all a scam.


Cato's fiscal scorecard for governors. Republicans have a definite advantage at the top, and Democrats own the bottom.

Boortz reports: "House Minority Leader John Boehner says that House budget rules should be reformed because as it currently stands, spending money is too easy, and cutting spending is too hard." I couldn't agree more.

A sample tax receipt - how much we paid for what.


How long until government bans dancing flight attendants?

Why is the federal government regulating street signs?

Black markets are a revolution against government oppression. They are civil disobedience.

Big Ag is backing the most sweeping food oppression bill in history because it will devastate small farmers and gardeners.
"#1 All food production facilities in the United States will be required to register with the U.S. government. No food will be allowed to be grown, distributed or sold outside this bureaucratic framework unless the FDA allows it.
#2 Any food that is distributed or sold outside of U.S. government control will be considered illegal smuggling.
#3 The FDA will hire an army of new inspectors to enforce all of the new provisions in the bill.
#4 The FDA will be mandated to conduct much more frequent inspections of food processing facilities.
#5 The fees and paperwork requirements will be ruinously expensive for small food producers and organic farms.
#6 S. 510 would place all U.S. food and all U.S. farms under the Department of Homeland Security in the event of a major "contamination" or an "emergency". What exactly would constitute a "contamination" or an "emergency" is anyone's guess.
#7 S. 510 mandates that the FDA facilitate harmonization of American food laws with Codex Alimentarius.
#8 S. 510 imposes an annual registration fee on any facility that holds, processes, or manufactures food. It also includes draconian fines for paperwork infractions of up to $500,000 for a single offense. Just one penalty like that would drive a small food producer out of business.
#9 S. 510 would give the FDA tremendous discretion to regulate how crops are grown and how food is produced in the United States. Basically, small farmers and organic farmers will now be forced to farm exactly how the federal government tells them to. It is feared that the U.S. government would soon declare that many organic farming methods are "unsafe" and would outlaw them. In addition, there is the very real possibility that at some point the U.S. government could decide that the only "safe" seed for a particular crop is genetically modified seed and would require all farmers to use it.
#10 S. 510 will give the FDA the power to impose a quarantine on a specific geographic area. Basically the FDA would have the power to stop the movement of all food in an area where a "contamination" has been identified. This would be very close to being able to declare martial law.
#11 S. 510 will give the FDA the power to conduct warrantless searches of the business records of small food producers and organic farmers, even if there has been no evidence at all that a law has been broken.
#12 Opponents of S. 510 believe that it would eliminate the right to clean and store seed. Therefore, control of the U.S. seed supply would be further centralized in the hands of Monsanto and other multinational corporations."
Every new law Congress considers is more devastating than the last. Future generations will look back and us and declare we were the stupidest people who ever walked the earth.


Peter Schiff predicts the US dollar will win a race to the bottom among all currencies. He's predicting a world-wide currency collapse, a world-wide inflationary depression.
"Essentially, in order to protect the status quo of their elite, governments are surreptitiously forcing workers to take pay cuts through inflation. Everyone works harder, but the extra effort does not raise living standards. In fact, despite the added jobs, overall consumption will fall.The irony for the United States is that its currency debasement plan has little to do with saving export jobs. We don't have many of those left to save. The government is debasing our currency merely to "pay" its own bills, preserve bank profits and Wall Street bonuses, allow us to continue buying homes we can't afford, and prevent many service-sector workers from having to find more productive jobs. In return, they will perpetuate an unworkable economic model. So while the US will probably "win" the currency war, we will definitely lose the far more important battle to improve our quality of life."
The predictions just keep getting worse.


Osama bin Laden is concerned about climate change. I kid you not.

I ask this myself this question all the time, why are the climate frauds still free? The answer is simple. The government that's promoting the fraud isn't about to prosecute its agents carrying out the fraud. For those who think this can't be a fraud, that all these people can't be conspirators, you misunderstand how the fraud works. Here's the key:
"A newspaper serving the area where Penn State is located published an article on July 12, 2010 by Louis Lombardi reporting that it had “cleared Mann of any wrongdoing” but that “the university was in no position to investigate one of its own or, stated differently, to investigate itself. Over the years, Mann had brought in millions of dollars for the university through his research. For the university to come to any other conclusion than that he acted appropriately would be an admission that the university has been fleecing those who gave the money.”"
Brought in millions of dollars. If a scientist wants to become rich and powerful, and scientists are humans the same as everybody else with the same weaknesses and ambitions, the path to doing so is to join the fraud. Being a skeptic is the path to starvation because nobody will give you any grants. The government controls the funding, it funds frauds because that suits it's power-hungry agenda, and it starves skeptics.


How to secure your electronic data before crossing the US border.


If you thought claims that the military industrial complex run the country, and that they have implemented a strategy of never-ending war to advance their power at our expense, wait until you hear what Secretary of Defense Gate and General Petraeus had to say about it.
"According to Bob Woodward’s direct citation of his 2009 remarks to a group that included President Karzai and Hilary Rodham Clinton, Defense Secretary Gates announced emphatically that, “We’re not leaving Afghanistan prematurely. In fact, we’re not ever leaving at all.”
And what role will the Congress, the president, and the people have in this momentous decision? None. In fact, War Party lead drummer Charles Krauthammer considers the guy who is supposed to be Gates’s elected boss, Obama, to be merely a bothersome impediment to endless war because the president apparently wants to end it. And what about the military commander who is supposedly subordinate to the civilian, elected president? General David Petraeus, whom neocons have touted for a presidential run, apparently doesn’t think the view of the guy in the Oval Office is worth a bucket of warm spit:  “You have to recognize that I don’t think you win this war. I think you keep fighting. You have to stay after it. This is the kind of fight we’re in for the rest of our lives and probably our kids’ lives,” said Patraeus, oblivious to the Constitution."
Don't you feel better now? Are you cynical enough to think that Obama might attack Iran to salvage this midterm election?
"So far, this issue and Woodward’s revelations have made little impact. Those millions of Americans who desire, for whatever constellation of reasons, to see all of Congress fired next month, should pray that foreign policy does not break out of the closet (e.g., with a joint U.S.-Israeli attack on Iran) and knock all the cards off the table, as has happened in other Octobers. For if it does, the apparently united anti-Pelosi, anti-Obama, anti-Reid masses will split that makeshift coalition down the middle. Foreign Policy is the San Andreas Fault of the GOP, because there is huge money in war, and the bloody trough is bipartisan. It is so powerful that apparently the Secretary of Defense and the Commander of the war effort on the ground can flout the express direction of the nominal Commander-in-Chief without fear of reprisal. This is the faction that truly represents a specter haunting America."
We live in scary times.

Warning that Obama plans to expand the Afghan war into Pakistan.
""We will have to see whether we are allies or enemies," said Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik after a US/NATO manned air strike took out three Pakistani soldiers and wounded three others. If it isn’t clear to the Pakistani minister, it is crystal clear to the people of Pakistan, who live in fear of constant US drone attacks – and, now, open violations of their country’s sovereignty. Anti-American sentiment is at an all-time high, and the increasingly fragile government – which hangs by a very thin thread – is being rapidly undermined by US actions."
This a well-founded fear since the US has attacked targets in Pakistan three days in a row. Funny how the news reports I read failed to mention the drone strikes killed Pakistani solders.
"[T]his move toward an open confrontation with our Pakistani "allies" may be the most momentous development to date in our seemingly endless "war on terrorism," one that will plunge the entire region into a conflagration we can barely imagine. Today it is drone strikes, and occasional NATO manned incursions: tomorrow our armies will be marching on Islamabad, trying to unseat Islamic "radicals" on the verge of taking over the country."
It definitely sounds like we're repeating the mistakes that empowered the fanatical Iranian regime.
"Nuclear-armed Pakistan is the prize Osama bin Laden and his cohorts have to win in order to strike a major blow at the US – and we are doing our best to deliver it to him, gift-wrapped. The raids that resulted in the deaths of Pakistani soldiers are said to be somehow connected to vague intelligence reports of a "Mumbai-style" attack planned for somewhere in Europe: the Eiffel Tower was evacuated briefly the other day, and police presence at British landmarks and other sites in Germany was beefed up. But one wonders: if these plans are already in the execution stage, then how would an attack in Pakistan stop or deter them?"
I had the exact same skepticism. The attacks, evacuations and beefed up security all sounded like an orchestrated event to scare people, not a response to a credible threat.
"The very dangerous course the Obama is currently pursuing could easily end in the world’s first nuclear exchange: Indian nukes are aimed straight at Islamabad, just as Pakistan’s nuclear-tipped missiles are pointed at New Delhi.
This grisly prospect doesn’t seem to be deterring the Obama administration one bit: indeed, our provocations aimed at Pakistan have only increased in recent days. Reckless is too mild a word to employ in this regard: crazy is more like it."
The Messiah accepts no limits on his power.


Here's a powerful reason why the tea party movement may be different than the Reagan revolution and the 1994 Republican takeover of Congress: people are reading classic economics texts like Bastiat's The Law and Hayek's Road to Serfdom. The people are educating themselves.

Interview with anonymous, alleged Obama insider. While it confirms pretty much everything most Americans think about Obama, it has to be taken with a grain of salt.

Creator of the tea party coloring book says he's received death threats. He also says his tea party coloring book isn't political. How can a tea party coloring book not be political? Of course it's political. I think the reaction of liberals, acting like this guy shouldn't teaching conservative politics to kids, when they've monopolized the school system around indoctrinating kids into liberal politics is hilarious.
"Bell said the Tea Party book is his company's best-seller by far, with demand so high that new copies must be printed daily to keep up with demand."
That's about what I'd expect.

Christine O'Donnell busted for falsifying her resume on multiple online services. She says somebody else did it. Like a Democrat hacker? I doubt it.

Dinesh D'Souza struck gold by digging into Barack Obama's past. Now he claims to know the real reason Obama supports Reverend Wright. It's borderline criminal how the press has covered up Obama's past.


US government apologizes to Guatemalans for infecting many of them with syphilis for a scientific study back in the 1940s. Have I mentioned that government is evil? Have I mentioned that it corrupts everything it touches including scientists? This is what you get from an institution based on theft and violence. And this one experiment government will admit to. Imagine what they're hiding.

Confessions of a lobbyist.

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