Sunday, October 03, 2010

Free kibbles


I'm not the only person who observed the US is turning into the Soviet Union.


John Edwards was right about they're being two Americas. There's the productive private sector America in which people work hard to produce quality goods and services that others will trade for in a system of mutually beneficial voluntary exchange. Most Americans live in this America. Then there's the corrupt, parasitic political America in which politicians and their cronies, mostly the gigantic corporations that couldn't exist in a free market, use the government's gun to loot the people in the private sector to enrich and empower themselves at the expense of the productive class.

A contrary Austrian predicts that the US economy will improve over the next 18 months, not get worse. Let's hope.

Just like during the Great Depression, private investment shrinks as government power grows. Duh. Bush and Obama are the modern day version of Hoover and Roosevelt.

Economists are calling the one and only solution to our economic problems the smoking ruins solution because it isn't pretty. This is very similar to the plan I keep proposing: obey the Constitution except for insuring seniors continue to get Social Security and Medicare checks but phase out those unconstitutional programs for younger people so government can't continue to steal their money. By nullifying the Dept. of Education, EPA, FCC, FTC, DEA, ATF, and all the other unconstitutional bureaucracies, a president would shift hundreds of thousands of people from parasitic jobs to productive jobs. A president should nullify legal tender laws and the Fed's power to legally print money out of thin air because both are unconstitutional too. Nullify minimum wage laws, the war on drugs and all regulations on employment so young, unskilled workers, especially minorities, can easily enter the marketplace and begin advancing their careers. And the Constitution gives government no power to borrow money either. Pretty similar. A lot of people will have to find new careers, and the pain would be great but temporary. Shortly after implementing this plan, the economy would begin to grow rapidly are the people would return America to a trajectory of greatness.

Reasons to be bullish on silver.


How the government plans to confiscate 401ks and IRAs to fund Social Security.

Article exposes the extent of malfeasance in the Greek government and explains that the European debt problem is just getting worse.


The next round of quantative easing, QE2, or more accurately, great inflation II, is the next major step in the destruction of the dollar.
"My best description of QE2, the Quantitative Round #2 Launch, is simply stated a monetary cancer, an admission of failure, and the trigger for the next breakdown in the global monetary system. The QE2 Launch is a US flag flying upside down at the central bank command center. Imagine trying to justify printing money to cover debts, and retaining credibility. The belief stated by USFed Chairman Bernanke, that zero cost comes from printing money, is pure heresy with dire consequences. The cost is lost confidence in the monetary system, in the currencies, and in the central bank franchise system. The QE initiatives kill the requisite confidence. Thus the rise in the Gold price in response. The financial news anchors struggle to hide their growing awareness that gold is the safe harbor from a destroyed monetary system, wrecked currencies, discredited central banks, and insolvent banks. They are awakening, as are those in the investment community."
When the TV guys state their lost confidence, the dollar will crash hard.

Myths of the banking system.

How you can tell the Fed actually rules over Congress:
"If you want to find out who is really in control in any situation, find out who has the legal right to audit the other one.
This is easy to understand with respect to individuals, corporations, and other organizations that are under the thumb of the tax man. This is understood by taxpayers all over the world. They fully understand who is in charge. In a modern society, the agency in charge is the agency that can and does compel other individuals and agencies to supply records relating to their income, capital, and bank accounts.
The Federal Reserve System has never been audited by an agency of the United States government. The FED hires private auditing firms, rotating them year by year, which undermines continuity, making it more difficult for them to follow the money. The FED limits those firms with respect to what they are allowed to audit. The FED then submits these internally audited facts to the United States Treasury."
But Congress can change this, and Ron Paul keeps trying to pass a bill that would change it.
"The Federal Reserve System is in charge of Congress; Congress is not in charge of the Federal Reserve. You can say that, on paper, the Congress is in charge. In response, I argue that this paper is rarely used, and with respect to an audit, it has never been used."
I did just say that, and I would like to see it used. This begs the question: is the Fed contributing to the campaigns of the most powerful aristocrats? There's no way to know. We know the bankers do, and they are the recipients of the transfer of wealth accomplished by the Fed.
"There has been no audit of the gold held by the Federal Reserve since the mid-1950s. The government does not know how much gold is in Fort Knox. It does not know how much American gold there is in the vault of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, located at 33 Liberty St., New York City.
The gold remains in the possession of the Federal Reserve System. Most of the governments around the world have agreed to keep their gold stored at 33 Liberty St. This enables the employees at 33 Liberty St. to move bars of gold from one government's pile to another government's pile. This also lets them keep the records. The trouble is, no government anywhere has the authority to audit the holdings of gold at 33 Liberty St. The governments simply take the word of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York that their gold is properly monitored and allocated in the New York FED's vault."
This is the greatest scam on earth.
"Will the House pass a bill to audit the gold that is supposedly held in Fort Knox and also in the vault of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York? Will Congressman Paul be able to gain support from the rest of the Republicans in Congress? If he can't, then it will be clear who is really in charge. But if he is able to get the bill passed, and if it somehow gets through the Senate, then Obama will veto it. Whether that will be a big deal politically remains to be seen."
That depends on Foxnews and Glenn Beck. Sad, but true. I doubt Murdoch wants to make those waves, but Beck almost certainly will.

Japanese central bank buys dollars, depressing the yen and propping up the dollar, so Americans can buy Japanese cars and electronics. This makes both the Japanese and Americans poorer because the yen buys less and Americans save less. This is exactly what China does all the time and Washington complains about.

God forbid we end up with a global central bank.


Twelve health care myths doctors believe that can harm your health.


In order to keep its government masters happy so it can continue looting the American people, Goldman Sachs goes green.
"The key here is that most of these windmill projects are not profitable. Both Pickens and Goldman want what I have called "bailouts in advance', i.e., they rape tax payers by taking government money and creating projects that would never develop in a free market, and, of course, they build in nice profit margins for themselves in what are ultimately losing businesses. Translation: A sophisticated scam."
Pickens was blatantly lobbying to loot taxpayers to boost his investments in natural gas. I haven't seen the Goldman commercials.

New Jersey energy consumers leading the revolution against green oppression including the state's tax and trade law that was intended to be a model for Obama's national law.

How the media works with the IPCC to distort and exaggerate weather coverage in order to push the global warming fraud. The reporters salivating for a huge storm and trying to pretend they're happy when a storm fails to destroy lives and property remind me of ghouls.

Nice, short essay explaining fractional reserve banking and how it's a fraud.


Story of man detained by customs agents for exercising his right to remain silent. These agents kidnapped him, they had no legal authority to hold him against his will because he refused to answer questions, and they should be prosecuted for kidnapping. This is a perfect opportunity for nullification. A local prosecutor should prosecute them for kidnapping. It's easy to say it will never happen, but I disagree. Professional politicians including prosecutors want power. They want votes. With the political climate in the US rapidly turning against the government, some ambitious prosecutor will take on the feds.


In another remarkable of example of the government and the media being in bed together, TV stations help train army psyops personnel.

Kashmir is the world's hottest nuclear flashpoint between India and Pakistan, and our war in Afghanistan and Pakistan is heating it up more.


A Christian's view on the phony conversion of Republicans to support limited government. Where's the repentance? Where's the taking responsibility?

Pat Buchanan has this right:
"To the Republican establishment, tea party people are field hands. Their labors are to be recognized and rewarded, but they are to stay off the porch and not presume to sit at the master's table."
They're just as much part of the ruling class as Democrats.
"The first tea party rebellion was the Barry Goldwater movement. When it triumphed at the Cow Palace, Nelson Rockefeller denounced the movement as riddled with radicals, baited the Goldwater people at the convention and refused to endorse the nominee.
A decade later, Vice President Rockefeller got his payback, when conservatives demanded that President Ford drop him off the ticket as the price of renomination. Ford agreed.
In its contemptuous response to O'Donnell's victory, the GOP establishment of today looked like nothing so much as the Rockefeller Republican establishment of yesteryear. Its time is coming, too."
America as we know it is unlikely to survive a decade if we don't make drastic changes ASAP.


Who is Kicesie Drew?


Retired UK Air Force personnel claim UFOs deactivated nuclear missiles. Let's get this straight. Creatures that can either travel across vast distances of space and time and remain invisible to humans except when they chose to be seen want to disarm us, but can't? It's far more likely these people saw electro-magnetic anomaly which also temporarily scrambled missile circuits.

An interesting view on the NFL:
"The feds put Mike Vick in jail for dog-fighting. The NFL organizes human dog-fights and gets billions in subsidies. When do libertarians stand up and say, “Enough!”?"
As if NFL players are forced to play against their will at the point of gun. I'm going to go watch some football now.

This story predicting massive solar flares in 2013 sounds like just another example of government funded alarmist propaganda.

Nine ways to start a fire without matches.

CIA links to the not-mosque at not-ground zero controversy.

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