Thursday, July 29, 2010

Free kibbles


The British continue to make more sense than Americans.
"Ministers want to end the “illogical” situation where people are effectively paid to remain unemployed because state benefits are more valuable than wages."
Who would have thought that when you pay people to not work, they won't work? Let's see if the British government really cuts welfare benefits.


The financial oppression bill exempts the SEC from FOIA requests. How's that transparency working out for you?

The FAA has declared a no-fly zone over Chelsea Clinton's wedding.


New Jersey Gov.Christie is doing what I've long advocated, turning the greed argument around on leftists. People in the private sector aren't greedy. They provide quality goods and services that they voluntarily exchange with others. Greed is in the political economy where people are taking wealth they didn't earn from others by force. In this case, it's government teachers. We have no way of knowing the value of teachers because they are paid with stolen money, not in a system of voluntary exchange.


The New York Times claims that nuclear energy is more expensive than solar, but the New York Times has an anti-nuclear agenda, so I don't know if this is true or not. I also bet most of the cost of nuclear energy is the cost of meeting government regulations, not actually producing energy.

New report supposedly combining all temperature data sets claims that global warming is unmistakable. Not in the last 12 years it isn't. 1998 is still tied with 1934 as the hottest years on record. Climate warmed over the last 40 years, but so what? Climate changes. Climate has been changing for 4 billion years, and it will continue changing for 4 billion more. It's natural.

Even ultra-liberal Slate magazine acknowledges the Gulf oil spill has not been anything approaching a disaster.


Obama to make it easier for FBI agents to get information on a person's internet activity without a warrant. No thank you.


Because Obama is ruling exactly the way his record indicated he would, women, white men, Jews and Hispanics are abandoning him. But since he's exactly what we knew he'd be, why are they leading now? Why did they support him to begin with?


Time magazine calls Rush Limbaugh "the obnoxious anti-environmentalist Rush Limbaugh." I'm happy to see the leftist media is dropping the charade that it's unbiased.

The bigoted Dept. of Agriculture woman who refused to help a white farmer and pawned him off on "one of his own kind" is suing Breitbart for publishing the video. A judge should throw the case out because it has no merit - he just published a video of her speech - but in our messed country who knows what will happen.


Science is losing credibility because it has been politicized and adopted an authoritarian tone. No doubt about that. Anything that becomes politicized becomes authoritarian. Another big reason it's losing credibility is all the pseudo-science posing as real science.

Eating local has led to me eating more fruits and vegetables.

Mises Academy is offering four courses this fall.

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