Monday, July 26, 2010

Free kibbles


Obama's fraudulent debt commission is expected to call for 10s of trillions in new taxes. Of course it is. This is the only reason that debt commission exists.

Swindlers race to the Gulf coast to steal a portion of the $20 billion Obama extorted from BP.


Aristocrats don't want you to know this fact about regulation:
"There's been plenty of government regulating, and as regulations grow, the incidences of financial booms and panics grow in step, as Kevin Dowd and Martin Hutchinson chronicle in their wonderful new book Alchemists of Loss: How Modern Finance and Government Intervention Crashed the Financial System. Looking back at financial crises, the authors note "the impacts of rampant speculation, government involvement or poor government responses, misguided monetary polices, ill-designed regulation and misunderstood new financial technology, as well as the oft-repeated failure on the part of policy makers and legislators to draw the appropriate lessons from painful experiences" have been constant themes."
Inevitably, when government ostensibly tries to solve a problem, it makes it worse.

The US government regulates our economy more than the Nazis regulated Germany's.
"In sum, it would be very difficult to argue against the proposition that the US economy today is even more heavily controlled, regulated, and regimented by the state than Germany was at the time Hayek wrote The Road to Serfdom. Americans have travelled many miles down the road to serfdom by deluding themselves that the god of democracy will somehow save them from statist slavery. But as Hayek warned 56 years ago, "There is no justification for the belief that, so long as power is conferred by democratic procedure, it cannot be arbitrary…""
And you thought you were free.


Because socialized medicine has been such a disaster in Great Britain, Great Britain is reforming away from socialized medicine while Democrats are forcing us at the point of a gun toward full-blown socialized medicine.

The more government dominates our health care industry, the more unsafe hospitals become.


Inspector General investigating claims that Obama's Dept. of the Interior falsified statements made by experts to justify its ban in drilling in the Gulf. Obama will fire this guy ASAP. He won't let facts or honesty get in the way of his agenda.

Desperately seeking swelter. The frauds are working overtime to convince us that any hot spell is a sign of impending doom like hot weather never existed before. They don't let little things like the Dust Bowl or the Medieval Warm Period get in the way of their agenda. Every hot spell is a sign of man-made global warming but every cold snap is a reason to remind us that weather is not climate. These frauds would be funny if they weren't so dangerous.

Last year's blizzards weren't caused by global warming. Neither were any other blizzards in the past.

Who needs cap and trade legislation when Obama can dictate the EPA to tax CO2?

Documentation on BP's lobbying to release the Lockerbie bomber.

If BP has the choice to hire cheap prison labor versus more expensive labor and can get more productivity for its money, that makes good business sense. Guess who's selling the prison labor and is not demonized in this article.


The war on drugs claims another innocent life. This woman would be alive today, as would millions of others around the world, if not for this abominable war. Only evil people who enjoy using violence to force their will on others can rationalize that it's worth killing people to stop some from smoking pot or snorting coke.


The next logical step in auto surveillance will be requiring cars to call the cops when their drivers are speeding. The police won't even have to send out an officer. The car's communication will be received by a computer which will print out a ticket and mail it. Or email it. No human need be involved until you open the ticket in the mail.

Walmart to put RFID tags in individual clothing items. The way to combat this is to force the Walmart check-out person to wand each item you purchased and remove all RFID tags before you purchase them. That'll cost Walmart a lot of money, and they'll rethink that policy.


Wikileaks leaks Afghan war logs to the press. Our socialist masters are angry. War is socialism. The US government is waging war in Afghanistan in the name of all the people. It's a collectivist effort. Other than battle plans before they're implemented, there should be no classified information.


This article wants me to feel sorry for Mexico because the Arizona law will lead to a flood of deportees. It didn't work. Mexico should be trying to entice workers to come back and build Mexico, not complaining about workers coming back.

Illegal aliens fleeing Arizona, one to Pennsylvania. This is the power federalism. This illustrates the wisdom of the Founding Fathers. This is why the Constitution doesn't give the federal government power to control the borders. The Tenth Amendment reserves that power to the states and individuals protecting their private property by expelling trespassers. If we obey the Constitution, federalism will solve this illegal immigration problem. As some states take hard stands, other states will suffer under the increased welfare burden until they either take a hard stand against illegal immigration, get rid of their welfare programs or collapse under the weight of their welfare states. Federalism works.


Maureen Down complains that Obama's White House is too white. How's that post-racial presidency working out for you? What a joke.

Young voters fleeing Obama. Of course they are. Young voters always resent the man, and Obama is the man now. Democrats are the party in power.


Local government determines who can build a hospital or not, as a result a couple of big corporations own all the hospitals so they face virtually zero competition. The result is higher than average incidences of disease, and higher prices I'm sure.


America is divided into two classes: the ruling the class and the rest of us.
"Members of the two classes do not like one another. In particular, the ruling class views the rest of the population as composed of ignoramuses who are vicious, violent, racist, religious, irrational, unscientific, backward, generally ill-behaved, and incapable of living well without constant, detailed direction by our betters; and it views itself as perfectly qualified and entitled to pound us into better shape by the generous application of laws, taxes, subsidies, regulations, and unceasing declarations of its dedication to bringing the country—and indeed the entire world—out of its present darkness and into the light of the Brave New World it is busily engineering.
This class divide has little to do with rich versus poor or Democrat versus Republican. At its core, it has to do with the division between, on the one hand, those whose attitudes are attuned to the views endorsed by the ruling class (especially “political correctness”) and whose fortunes are linked directly or indirectly with government programs and, on the other hand, those whose outlooks and interests derive from and focus on private affairs, especially the traditional family, religion, and genuine private enterprise. Above all, as Codevilla makes plain, “for our ruling class, identity always trumps.” These people know they are superior in every way, and they are not shy about letting us know that they are. Arrogance might as well be their middle name."
Tell me something I don't know. Why do you think I call them aristocrats? The most interesting thing about this is that apparently some people don't realize it, and that makes it valuable.
"Despite the rulers’ chronic complaints about people’s exercising “discrimination” of one kind or another, they have no intention of treating everybody equally. Hence, “[l]aws and regulations nowadays are longer than ever because length is needed to specify how people will be treated unequally.”  As the recent health-care and financial-reform statutes illustrate perfectly, however, much of the inequality is achieved not directly, but by the statutes’ delegation of authority to countless regulatory and administrative bodies, which will use their ample discretion to do the desired dirty work."
Stating the obvious again, but until every American who isn't in the ruling class or favored by the ruling class understands it, it bears repeating.

On the so-called mosque at ground zero:
"Islam has a rich history of building Mosques at the sites of great Muslim conquests"
What religion doesn't? You don't think Christians built churches on land they conquered? Or Hindus? Give me a break. Here's my email to Boortz in response.
"If you don't want Muslims to build a Muslim center four blocks away from ground zero, put together a coalition to buy the property. Make them an offer they can't refuse. Otherwise, shut up and support their property rights. This is the USA, and property rights are supposed to be an American value that every American should champion. If we don't support the property rights of everybody, we end up living in country where government confiscates the property of everybody and is the real owner of all property because it exercises final control. Sound familiar?"
Let's see if he has the balls to print it. Militant Muslims behind this project. Tell me something I didn't know, but it doesn't matter who bought it. This is America, and we have to stand for American values. Buy the land or quit complaining and defend property rights. That's how we win.

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