Thursday, July 22, 2010

Free kibbles


News flash: Washington bureaucrats suck at running car companies. Duh. They suck at running a post office too. They suck at everything but lying, telling the aristocrats what they want to hear and using violence against the people to enrich themselves and their aristocrat masters. The founding fathers understood this, and that's why the Constitution forbids government from doing anything outside of a few limited powers.


This unemployment graph will blow you away.

If you pay people to not work, they won't work. More evidence?
"But then I read statistics like this in the Wall Street Journal and it makes me think that maybe my current compassionate stance is actually hurting these folks in the long run. "A March 2010 economic report by Michael Feroli of J.P. Morgan Chase examined several studies and concluded that 'lengthened availability of jobless benefits has raised the unemployment rate by 1.5% points.'""
This isn't rocket science.


Obama's claims about the benefits of his stimulus boondoggles hurt his credibility. What credibility? Obama doesn't mention all the jobs killed by his policies.

How politicians use tax dollars for self-promotion.

Our spending problem is so huge, raising taxes can't solve it. Of course not. Raising taxes hurts the economy and reduces revenue.

National Review author reminds us that we can't trust Republicans when it comes to spending. Wow. That's a Republican organ.

Onerous tax laws are pressuring more and more people to renounce citizenship.

Illinois aristocrats are boosting government pensions despite their financial crisis. This is why I keep saying the aristocrats won't fix our problems. They won't wake up. They will continue looting us with more and more intensity until the country collapses. The only way we can fix our problems is to take away their power.


Surprise, surprise. President Obama lied about the financial oppression law, saying taxpayers would never have to bail out Wall Street again when in fact the law institutionalizes those bailouts. Fortunately for us, that's unconstitutional, so all we have to do is elect a president who will obey the Constitution and nullify that law and 90 percent of other existing law, all of which is unconstitutional.

Hidden in Washington's Historic Finance Bill Are Major New Rules Affecting Nearly Every Corner of the Investing World.  Duh. If you thought this oppression was about reining in Wall Street, you're a fool. Welcome to regulation hell.


Now the mainstream media admits that the Obamacare mandate is a tax. This is more insidious than it might seem at first glance. This is seeding the field to make the argument the mandate is constitutional.


US Forest Service dives into the global warming fraud.

Great Britain to suffer years of blackouts and soaring electricity bill because politicians succeeded in pushing the global warming fraud.

Thousands of people put out of work by Obama's drilling ban rally against the policy.

Now that the Gulf oil leak is temporarily stopped, we can finally get some info on how this disaster happened.

Instead of responding to FOIA requests about the global warming fraud, so-called homeland security investigated the requesters.

Harry Reid to push a more limited, bipartisan energy regulation bill without tax and trade in wake of Gulf oil spill. No thank you.


For years I've been explaining that our wars overseas and the war on terror were useless because we were broke. Not only can't you fight wars when you are broke, you can't even afford to defend yourself. So far my warnings have fallen on deaf ears. Maybe this will change things: British Defense Secretary reports that the British government can no longer afford to defend its people against all threats. If you can't pay and feed troops and security personnel, you're screwed. That's where Britain and the US are today. Unfortunately most people don't realize it.


It is funny how Obama sues Arizona for supporting federal immigration laws and ignores sanctuary cities which refuse to enforce them. I think Bush would have done the same thing.


No. I didn't know about this law. Since when does a station have to run a campaign ad it doesn't like? I remember not too long ago when stations rejected ads. Did that change?

Boortz reports, "Slowly but surely we are learning that 42 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives got more than 173 sweetheart deal loans from Countrywide Financial Corporation." Government is corruption, and Chris Dodd and Barney Frank are the kings of corruption in Congress.

This is a good point. The only thing Americans hate more than big government is smaller government. This is the divide and conquer thing in action again. Conservatives love their government programs. They just want to get rid of the liberal programs. And liberals love their government programs. They just want to get rid of the conservative programs. What neither side sees is that Democrats and Republicans are working this scam against them to make us all broke and powerless while they and their cronies end up with all the money and power. Remember, most of this bureaucracy was created while Bush and Republicans were in power.

This shows how willingly blind people are: when people in a small California town discovered that their city manager made $800,000 a year, they got angry. Why didn't they already know this? Why did they allow it to happen. Government is like the mafia. Why do people ignore it instead of fight it? Because they were forced to attend government schools.

Obama's approval rating 85 percent in Washington D.C. Of course. The recipients of the loot love Obama. And you wonder how the politicians get so out of touch. This is another powerful reason why we need to dramatically reduce the size and scope of government so aristocrats have to spend more time with their constituents than they do in Washington.

Here's the formula aristocrats have used over and over to expand the welfare state.

The Obama bumper sticker removal kit. I prefer the crooks, cheats and fools who voted for Obama advertise it so the rest of us know who to blame.

After 18 months, Charlie Rangel's House ethics investigation finally brings phony House charges. What a joke. This is like a show trial where mafia dons scold one of their own and act like it's a meaningful exercise.


Some media dufus is wondering who Barack Obama is 21 months after the election. It's bad enough he waited 21 months to ask the question, but what person with half a brain who's paying attention doesn't know who Obama is by now?

Note to Boortz: "Rep. Paul Ryan's "A Roadmap for America's Future" doesn't do away with the social safety net, yet it stays true to the libertarian notion that the best government is that which governs least." That sentence is an oxymoron. Using word the word libertarian and libertarian catchphrases doesn't make a policy or a person a libertarian. Just like Ryan's vote for TARP is inconsistent with smaller government.


Google offers a free GPS navigation service for android devices that outperforms TomTom.

Onion opinion: We'll never be united as a nation as long as there are other people besides myself.

Chinese couple busted for industrial espionage.

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