Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Free kibbles


The TSA blocks websites with contrary opinions including lewrockwell.com. I'm sure the TSA isn't the only bureaucracy that does this, and government wants to block these sites for everybody. I wonder if they block this blog.


"Barack Obama: The great jobs killer"
"Obama is as hopeless, helpless, clueless and bankrupt of good ideas as the manager of the Chicago Cubs in late September. This "community organizer" knows as much about private-sector jobs as Pamela Anderson knows about nuclear physics."
Obama knows government kills jobs. He's doing it to us on purpose. He's not some clueless idiot. He wants to be America's Lenin.

Criticism that Democrats refuse to pass a budget. What a bunch of crooks.


Federal bans on incandescent light bulbs go into effect 2012.


Despite the whitewashed inquiries by climate frauds allies finding no wrong-doing with climategate, the people continue to see through the fraud. Imagine that.


Terrorism is a response to our aggressive and interventionist policies, not because we like teddy bears and reality TV.

Why are US forces hiring mercenaries to protect bases? Why can't US forces protect their own bases? I'm sure that competing private sector military units would be more effective at a lower cost than our socialist military (though the military, because it has so much competition between units, does a much better job than any other socialist institution I'm aware of), but since we have millions of Americans in military uniform, you would think they could protect their own bases. Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this is a symptom that our socialist military is not nearly as effective as I think, or maybe it's been broken by these never-ending wars.

Great anti-war speech from Ron Paul.

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