Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Free kibbles


The real unemployment rate is 17.5 percent. I think it's higher. This number is still provided by government

Unemployment taxes make it hard for companies to hire. Duh. Paying people not to work is stupid. If people want to purchase unemployment insurance, they can.


This is the kind of irresponsibility that the welfare state breeds, literally: woman with 13 kids and living on welfare won't stop having kids until she has twins because she always wanted twins. It's all about her. The children be damned.


Wall Street rallies forces to maintain secrecy of the Fed against Ron Paul's audit the Fed bill.
"Congressman Ron Paul dared to introduce a bill, H.R. 1207, that would require an audit of the FED by a government agency. The House of Representatives agrees with him. He got over 300 co-signers of the bill. Barney Frank at first tried to bottle it up in committee. Then he tried to substitute a watered-down version. The committee voted for Paul's version last week. This was a palace revolt against Frank. This does not happen often in any committee.

This is the first bill in Paul's long career that has had widespread support. This indicates that the Federal Reserve, for the first time since 1914, has serious opposition in Congress. This in an historic event. The FED can no longer presume that Congress will treat it with kid gloves.

The Wall Street establishment understands the threat."
Check out the argument the Wall Street guy makes about keeping Fed operations secret:
"The flaw in the thinking about an "open Fed" is that most elected officials and average citizens are too stupid to understand the Fed. They don't have an IQ problem, but they do suffer, in most case, from a lack of education about complex fiscal policy, macroeconomics, and game theories of John Forbes Nash who was himself schizophrenic. In other words, the Federal Reserve management and staff perform a function that most people cannot possibly understand in any detail. Citigroup may need $100 billion for a week. That does not mean it is going out of business, or, if it is, the Fed knows enough to call the Treasury Secretary immediately."
Can you say elitism? Can you say contempt? Can you say baloney? A company that needs an emergency $100 billion loan and can't get it in the marketplace is, by definition, in serious trouble and should suffer the consequences of its business decisions and be replaced by better businesses.


Boortz compares what politicians the CBO told us certain programs would cost to what they actually cost, and no, I don't buy the numbers on the health care oppression bills. Incomplete list of the accounting gimmicks used to make the Senate bill seem less expensive than it really is. Why do we allow our aristocrats to get away with this constantly?

This is a summary of the entire Obama agenda, not just health care oppression. These numbers on the Senate health care oppression bill are scary.

Senate bill attacks health savings accounts.

Advocating civil disobedience against the health care purchase mandate. It worked in Massachusetts.

Health care competition with the government option.

Cato reports that after 157 days and many votes, nobody, including Congress, has seen a complete cost estimate of Obamacare.


72 percent of Americans still think we're experiencing global warming, down from 80 percent last year. Nice job, press. The planet has been cooling since 1998, but you've managed to misinform 72 percent of Americans about that fact. Self-government can only work when the people are well informed. The founding fathers thought a free press would make sure that happened. What they never foresaw was that the press would become dominated by people with similar political agendas and that the press would develop such a symbiotic relationship with government. When the government becomes the single most important force in our lives, the press wants to have a good relationship with the government so they can get scoops. That's yet another reason to dramatically reduce the size and scope of government.

Lord Monckton calls the climate frauds criminals. How long have I been saying that? Al Gore is profiting from a lie. That's fraud. He and all his political cronies and phony scientists who have profited from this fraud should be investigated for fraud, tried and convicted.


Police arrest man for not making tweet they ordered.


It's been 86 days that Obama has fiddled around since Gen. McChrystal asked for more troops while Afghanistan burned. Higher taxes to fund more troops. If they weren't so destructive, these aristocrats would be comical.

The German government is sending a team of lawyers to the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad to insure that no evidence it supplied will be used to seek the death penalty. How would that even work? I'm not aware of different juries to determine guilt and punishment.

Dennis Kucinich says everybody should have the same constitutional rights including Osama bin Laden. If this dumbass had his way during WWII, we'd still have Nazis and Japanese soldiers clogging US courts. There would have been no crimes tried since WWII. Why can't some people understand the war is different from crime?

Bill Clinton forced military personal to be unarmed victims on their own bases.

This is the question every American must ask:
"If the federal government--including the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, etc., with billions of dollars worth of technology; tens of thousands of snoops, spooks, and intelligence gatherers; and myriad Patriot Act-type laws--could not protect US soldiers on one of the most tightly secured and heavily guarded military installations in America, how can anyone in the country possibly not break out in cacophonous laughter when politicians tell us we need to surrender more liberties so that they might pass more laws to protect us crummy little peons?"
They can't protect us. We depend on ourselves and our neighbors for security just like the second amendment explains.

Our military is the military of empire instead of a military of defense. Obvious our military must have the capability to take the fight to any enemy who attacks us, but our military is serious overkill. 11 carrier fleets is ridiculous. The 50 percent of world spending is very misleading though. We have a higher standard of living in the US, so we have to pay our troops and the defense contractors more than other countries pay them. But we still spend far more than we have to for defense.

One way to fix the problem would be to reduce all intellectual property (IP) rights to two years period. That would spark a technological revolution as competition exploded in industry and the arts. Prices of military and all other equipment would drop enormously if we did this. Two years is an arbitrary number I picked reflecting the modern produce cycle. I understand the argument for abolishing the artificial, government protected monopoly called IP rights completely, but I don't think it's politically possible and I'm not sure it's the smartest idea yet. I'm still studying the subject. I can think of cases were art, not technology, would be stifled without a short period of IP protection.

But there's no way the American people will accept cuts in the military. The American people need to be shown that they will be safer without having American troops stationed all over the world. Once they see that, then they'll accept cuts in the military. I think a libertarian candidate running as a Republican can promise to hold military spending flat for four years except for the savings from bringing all American troops home, while dramatically cutting other spending and win.

How can an essay claiming to prove that Guantanamo is unconstitutional never mention the war except to quote Karl Rove and call our aristocrats war criminals. Our aristocrats are lots of bad things, but I haven't seen any evidence of a war crime by them. This essay is just a bunch of anger like you see from the rabid anti-war left. How come these people refuse to acknowledge we're that al Qaeda declared war on us, and we're fighting that war. If you don't like the war, argue we should end it. Stop pretending it's not a legal war declared by Congress. It is. Text of Congress War on Terror resolution. Quit pretending we don't have the authority to capture and hold prisoners in that war like we have every other war we ever fought. We do.


Mark Steyn on Obama the Superbower.
"The other day, for example, he told Fox News that “if we keep on adding to the debt . . . people could lose confidence in the U.S. economy in a way that could actually lead to a double-dip recession.”

That’s a great line — but not from a guy who plans to “keep on adding to the debt” as a conscious strategy. This is the president who made “trillion” the new default unit of federal budgeting, and whose irresponsibility is prompting key players around the world to consider seriously whether it’s time to ditch the dollar’s role as global reserve currency. But Obama’s much vaunted “bipartisanship,” to which so many “moderate” conservatives were partial a year ago, seems to have dwindled down to an impressive ability to take one side of an issue in his rhetoric and another in his actions."
Steyn falls for the old bipartisan gimmick. Bipartisan should be a four letter word. When the two parties become bipartisan, that just means they're going to quit fighting each other so they can more effectively loot us. That's like the Bloods and the Crips calling a truce so they can better loot their neighborhoods. With apologies to the Bloods and the Crips for using them in a comparison with the biggest looters of all: Republicans and Democrats.

Now that the EU has seized power over all of Europe thanks to ratification of the Lisbon Treaty (I still want to know why Vaclav Klaus signed it), the EU is pushing a new Europe-wide tax.
""The financing of the welfare state, irrespective of the social reform we implement, will require new resources," he said. "The possibility of financial levies at European level needs to be seriously reviewed.""
That didn't take long. At least he's half-honest about the reason - financing the welfare state. He could have been more honest and said it was about buying votes. Anybody who didn't see that coming is an idiot. Europeans are not going to like living under an American-style, all-powerful central government.

Barbie in a burqa.

Walmart and Amazon in major price war.

Lostpolitics board gives account suspended error. So does H4P's business page that we ride on apdesignco.com. I guess he is using a host service and they suspended his account.

Thanksgiving is the time to be thankful for the economic freedom without which we would have nothing and to remember the Pilgrims almost died trying communism and subsequently flourished when they embraced economic freedom.

How long ago did I recommend using predator drones to fight Somali pirates? Since then though, I've decided the government should do nothing. We should not subsidize companies which ship along Somalia. Instead, ships that choose to use that route should be prepared to defend themselves and suffer the consequences of their own decisions if captured. Maybe Obama will keep following me to better and better ideas.

Top 20 funniest signs.

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