Monday, November 09, 2009

Four Facts Global Warming Frauds Don...

Four Facts Global Warming Frauds Don't Want You to Know

by Mark Luedtke

A dangerous misconception in the US today is that when we defeated the Soviet Union, we also defeated communism. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many of the ideologues who want to see Marxism implemented world-wide invaded and hijacked the environmental movement and instigated the man-made global warming fraud. Over the last decade, these Marxists, capitalizing on the earth's natural warming cycle and disasters like Katrina, organized with power-hungry professional politicians, news organizations craving sensational stories, and self-interested scientists who wanted to climb the economic ladder to create a perfect political storm. That storm threatens the entire world in the form of CO2 cap and trade legislation.
But a funny thing happened on the way to implementing the biggest wealth redistribution scheme in history: the American people noticed it was getting colder. More Americans today believe in haunted houses than believe human activity is warming the planet. With public support for cap and trade falling like a hailstone, the global warming frauds are frantic to push through cap and trade legislation before the window closes. With that in mind, Senators Barbara Boxer and John Kerry introduced cap and trade legislation in the Senate while British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, doing his best Chicken Little imitation, screamed that we have only 50 days to act or the sky is going to fall. The frauds are counting on us to not see through their transparent performances or learn these four facts:

The planet is cooling, not warming

The warmest years on record were 1998 and 1934. After 1934, the planet cooled until the '70s (when alarmists tried to convince us we were entering a new ice age), then it heated up until a confluence of the warm phases of natural climate cycles that change over decades in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans coincided with the yearly warm cycle of el Nino in 1998 to tie the record. Since then, the planet has been slowly but steadily cooling.
To hide these facts, the global warming frauds pointed to the infamous hockey stick graph which showed that temperatures had been relatively constant for centuries until the last couple of decades. But the NASA scientist who created this graph hid his methods for years until finally a skeptic uncovered them and discovered he intentionally manipulated the data so that any data set would produce a hockey-stick graph. Subsequently another set of government funded scientists produced another hockey stick graph from tree ring data. For nearly a decade, they refused to produce the data they used so other scientists could reproduce their findings. That graph forms the basis for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claim that the earth is warming.
But the same skeptic finally forced those scientists to produce their original data and discovered they had cherry-picked their data to produce the hockey stick they wanted. Using more complete data from their data set produced a graph with no hockey stick. Shortly afterward, this government funded scientific institution deleted all their raw data so nobody else could see it. This is a scientific scandal of epic proportions, but the press must not think it will sell papers.
This is the inevitable and predictable consequence of funding science with government money. Government money can never be separated from the powers that dole it out. Partisan agendas attach to government money like poison and corrupt whatever the money touches. The more money involved, like the billions the US government spends on global warming research every year, the more corrupt the results.

Cap and trade wouldn't solve the problem of man-made global warming even if it existed

The frauds claim man-made CO2 is dangerously heating the planet, and we must adopt cap and trade in order to save the planet. This story is wrong on both counts. Not only is the planet cooling, but even if the man-made CO2 was dangerously heating the planet, cap and trade legislation wouldn't help.  A recent analysis applied the IPCC models to the House cap and trade bill, Waxman-Markey, and showed that reducing US CO2 output by 83 percent by 2050 would only lower global temperatures by nine hundredths of a degree, a meaningless change. Just like health care oppression isn't about making us healthier, cap and trade isn't about saving the planet. Both are about elites seizing more power and money.

Cap and trade will kill jobs and impoverish Americans

Americans would suffer severe pain for that nine hundredths of a degree. In a priceless moment of candor before the election, candidate Obama informed his supporters that his energy program was designed to kill the coal industry and drive up gas prices. Half of all electricity in the US is produced by coal. Cap and trade is intended to put Americans out of work and make every product in America more expensive, impoverishing us all. Because it's the biggest tax in history, it should be called tax and trade.
To distract Americans from these facts, President Obama borrowed an idea from Spain and promoted the myth of green job creation (remember Obama's Marxist green jobs adviser Van Jones?). The Spanish government promoted this myth for the last 10 years, but a recent study showed that for every green job created in Spain, 2.2 Spaniards lost their jobs, which only makes sense. When government takes money out of the productive economy, wastes a bunch of it on non-productive government jobs, then injects a portion of if back into the economy in an inefficient industry, the result can only be lost jobs, lost productivity, and a poorer society.

CO2 is no more a problem or pollutant than O2

Both C02 and O2 are required for the process of life, and the more present in the atmosphere, the more life thrives. Far higher concentrations of CO2 existed in the atmosphere in the past than today.The planet has natural feedback processes that prevent runaway global warming because if it didn't, we wouldn't be here to have this debate.
President Obama, Al Gore and the global warming frauds know these facts. They're harming us on purpose to gain more political power for themselves and line their pockets and those of their cronies with our money.

More on how British scientists cherry picked tree ring data to create the phony hockey stick graph. Taxpayer funded climate research facility destroys original data, collected on the taxpayer dime, used many papers that promote the fiction of man-made global warming.

UK PM Brown says we have 50 days to stop global warming or we're all going to die a horrible, hot death.

he BBC seems embarrassed to report that the planet has been cooling since 1998.

Data on the warmest years
still has 1998 listed as the warmest, even though NASA found and
corrected an error in that data and 1934 and 1998 are tied as the
warmest years on record. 2006 is 3rd. 1921 is 4th. 1931 is 5th.
Printing the real numbers doesn't have near the propaganda effect of
the incorrect numbers, does it? Here's the corrected data, obviously ignored by the press in an attempt to mislead the public.

Waxman-Markey will have no impact on climate. Cap and trade likely to be the biggest tax in history. Spain loses 2.2 jobs for every green job created. More Americans believe in haunted houses, 37 percent, than believe that man is warming the planet, 36 percent.


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