Thursday, November 05, 2009

Email to Sen. Voinovich

I just received an email newsletter from Sen. Voinovich expressing his concern for our federal debt. It was like he was trying to get me concerned. Maybe he forgot that I've been trying to get him concerned about it for nearly a decade. He also failed to mention his role and the role of Republicans in creating this debt. Here's my email response to him:
"I just received your email newsletter, and I was heartened to see you suddenly care about fiscal responsibility. Too bad you didn't give a damn about it for the last eight years when you and your big government Republican buddies were spending us into this horrific debt. Better late than never I guess.

But I doubt you really mean it. Talk's cheap and electrons are cheaper. I want you to introduce a bill to cut the federal budget in half. I want you to abolish the unconstitutional Dept. of Education, Dept. of Agriculture, the FCC, the FTC and every other unconstitutional government program and department. I want you to abolish the Dept. of Commerce and Energy. I want you to bring home all our overseas troops and end our security welfare to the rest of the world. I want you to end our monetary welfare to the rest of the world and to Americans.

Tepidly resisting Democrat spending doesn't cut it. I want you to spearhead a positive agenda of dramatically reducing the size and scope of the federal government and its budget at the same time. That's the only way I'll take your lip service in concern of big budgets seriously."
I doubt he'll send me any more newsletters.

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