Monday, March 16, 2009

Free kibbles

Mises scholar makes good point about home values - home values are supposed to gradually fall over time, much slower than everything else, but fall nonetheless. The only reason we think home prices should always appreciate is the Fed is always pushing inflationary monetary policy.

Boortz rains on the parade of tea baggers. I agree. This is a meaningless, feel good gesture. I'm sure the tea baggers would feel very self-satisfied, but our representatives won't even notice, or worse, they'll laugh and write off the people who did it.

Obama will attempt to block the AIG bonuses. I have no problem with this as long as everybody obeys the law. Taxpayers own 80 percent of that company, and we don't want our money spent on bonuses for a failing institution. But this begs several questions... If AIG is failing and doesn't deserve bonuses, why did government use taxpayer money to buy 80 percent of it? Why not let it go bankrupt, sell off its valuable assets, and liquidate its non-valuable assets so they could re-enter the market working for a profitable enterprise? The country would certainly have been better off. And since when did Obama become interested in waste? He doesn't want a few hundred million in bonuses for AIG, but he allows a few hundred billion in waste by the government. That's quite a destructive double standard.

Obama's aid to small businesses will just put taxpayers on the hook for more bad businesses. Everybody knows how to help small businesses - cut their taxes (and everybody else's taxes too, and cut spending to go along with it) - but Obama doesn't really want to help small businesses. He wants to control them.

US shoots down an Iranian drone over Iraq. We fly drones over places with perceived threats. The Iranians fly drones over places with perceived threats.

Obama wants to tax private health care benefits to pay for government supplied benefits. As we all know, if you want to destroy something, you tax it. If you want to create an entitlement, you have government provide something. This is a naked attempt by President Obama to destroy the private health care market and implement socialized medicine in its place. It's blatantly obvious.

Geithner urges banks to make bad loans. Banks are currently making loans to low risk people and businesses. Urging them to make more loans means making loans to higher risk people and businesses. Maybe Geithner didn't get the memo about how that got us into this mess in the first place.

It looks like Obama got us in a trade spat with Mexico.

Obama's approval rating is already below 60 percent. He's setting records for alienating the American people.

South Carolina Governor Sanford to reject more stimulus funds because it can't be used to pay off debt.

Wells Fargo pushes back against Obama's new regulations on TARP funds and Geithner's stress tests. Good for them. It's about time the banks went on the offensive against this huge government power grab.

This is great news - 8 Senate Democrats want cap and trade yanked from Obama's budget. This will make cap and trade subject to filibuster.

Stimulus requires state governments to pay workers union rates instead of market wages. This fits the Keynesian idea that all that matter is wages. We're lucky Obama didn't require the states to pay twice as much for people to sit at home.

I agree that newspapers are the best choice for media supplied news. But the internet is better and is killing newspapers. It'll take over eventually.

It's pretty stupid to label a robber a sex offender just because the store he robbed employed a minor. Government application of that sex offender label is out of control.

Only 9 percent of non-union workers want to join a union. Duh. If more wanted to, there'd be a lot more union workers.

Despite California's budget catastrophe, the number of state employees continues to grow. Government is inherently stupid.

EU to ban the terms Miss and Mrs. because they are sexist. The EU is stupid.

Mayor says bloggers are a danger to her city. Yeah, that free speech thing is really dangerous to government. Government should do something about that.

Asking when will Atlas shrug is very convenient for conservatives today. Atlas has been shrugging for a decade. US companies are moving overseas and have been for quite a while. US companies are outsourcing jobs overseas, and have been for quite a while. That is Atlas shrugging, and the accomplice press has been ignoring it for a long time. It will definitely get worse under Obama, but this isn't some partisan issue. The big government of both parties has been causing Atlas to shrug for a while, and the brain-dead accomplice press hasn't even noticed. Conservatives are suddenly pointing it out, but where were they the last decade when Bush's big government was sending jobs overseas?

Guess who emerges out of the government aristocrats as the eloquent voice of government intervention in our markets and champion of President Obama's policies? Ben Bernanke. I bet the accomplice press continues to call him a free marketer. Interesting that Greenspan regretted his interview because he made some inadvertent news. This tells us the dictators of our money supply know they should keep a low profile so the people don't realize the extremely destructive power they wield. Bernanke's interview with 60 Minutes.

Evil savers are harming the economy, and are supposed to start taking risks, but President Regulator is sending mixed messages, promising more regulation while increasing moral hazard.

Top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee says AIG executives should resign or commit suicide. Nice. It's always good to see Republicans standing up for private enterprise. Democrats propose excise tax on bonuses.

Tom Woods rants against the Harvard Conference pretending that supporters of free markets have a mental problem. Great quote, italics in original:
In short, the conference was about this: Why do people still think the interaction of free individuals is a superior economic system to one directed by Harvard Ph.D.s like us? I mean, apart from the failure of central planning in every case in which it's been tried, a failure so staggering that only a blockhead could miss it, why would people cling to the idea that being herded into a collective run by the experts isn't the best way to live?

This the first shot in a new attempt by the socialists in academia to avoid debate on free markets by smearing the supporters of them with baseless accusations of mental illness. This is nothing but an elaborate, extremely dangerous, ad hominem attack.

The opening statement of this article shows you just how far America has been transformed into a banana republic. "Apparently, the Obama administration doesn't hold a grudge." Bloomberg's term limit issue should be a matter of law, but while we pay lip service to the rule of law, every American knows that the rule of law is virtually meaningless in America anymore. It's window dressing to keep the people from revolution. Political connections matter. If you are in favor of the current power, you can do anything. If you're not, you're screwed. Just like in a banana republic.

Red light cameras are solely intended to raise revenue, not boost public safety.

Russia puts new pressure on Obama with rearmament plan.

Cato welcomes Obama's announcement that he would keep Washington D.C.'s school voucher program, recently killed by Democrat legislation, alive with subsequent legislation. Cato rightly recognizes that Obama won't expand that program, but the bigger question in why in the world would Cato believe he'll keep it alive at all? This is just more rhetoric to deflect criticism, and it's highly unlikely he has any intention of actually carrying through. That's Obama's mantra. We'll control spending later. We'll cut the deficit later. We'll do earmark reform later. I don't want to grow government. I'll put that school program in legislation later. Obama is an abject liar, even by aristocrat standards, and Cato is naive for not being skeptical.

Cato reminds us Republicans have no credibility when they complain about Democrats growing the size of government.

Cato video explaining how the war on drugs powers Mexican violence.

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