Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Free kibbles

Another suicide bomb in Baghdad kills 33 more. The terrorists are feasting on President Obama's policies.

Iran test fires new air-to-surface missile intended to attack ships.

In traditional aristocrat fashion, Fed Chief Bernanke wants to exploit the recession for a big power grab for the Fed. His misnamed mea culpa is just a big lie to confuse the people about who created this crisis. The Fed created this problem. Nobody else. I bet this guy has one of those evil genius laughs.

And Bernanke's declaration that big banks will not be allowed to fail gives them carte blanche to take all the risky, self-serving actions they want and stick their fingers in our eye while doing it because they know full well the Fed will cover up anything that backfires on them. This is naked fascim. Every government intervention in the market of any kind always promotes bad behavior, perverts the market so some can make more money at others' expense and destabilizes the economy.

You can't patent business models.

Obama's cradle to career education plan includes merit pay for "the best" teachers. That sounds like bonuses for top teachers, not merit pay. The majority of teachers would not get merit pay. Obama is once again trying to redefine words to make his plans sound more mainstream. Notice he doesn't advocate firing or lower pay for poor teachers. Obama's plan specifically panders to the lowest common denominator, as if this is a good thing. If you want more money, do poorly in school. Democrats will support the cradle to career part but not this tiny nod toward merit pay. Government schools will continue to produce a mediocre force of working class drones to vote Democrat.

Minnesota government panders to Muslims. Can you imagine if they changed laws specifically to cater to Christians? This is clearly a breach of the First Amendment, and it should be stopped immediately. Compare to this to the bill in Connecticut that was just withdrawn that would have allowed the government to restructure Catholic churches. Wow.

How come conservatives never cared about economic freedom and libertarian values while Republicans were in power? In 2000, the US was ranked 3rd in economic freedom with a rating of 8.5 when Bush was elected. In 2008, the US was ranked 8th in economic freedom with a rating of 8.04 after 8 years of Bush and Republicans. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that conservatives suddenly care about economic freedom. Better late than never. But how about having some principles, like the principle of freedom, that you stick to no matter who's in power? Remember George Bush and Hank Paulson started this whole stimulus, bailout mess.

With conservatives newfound appreciation of economic freedom expressed by their sudden appreciation of Ayn Rand, it's time to hammer home the FairTax. Republican and Democrat aristocrats exploit crises for their personal gain. We can exploit this newfound anger at big government for the cause of freedom.

How do we reconcile this report that the government is making further plans to prop up Citi with the stock surge of 379 points because Citi claims this is its best quarter since 2007?

This Hummer tax is obviously driven by wealth envy, but I have no problem with vehicle registration fees being weighted by vehicle weight. Heavy cars are harder on roads, so it makes sense to charge their owners more to cover road maintenance.

Cincinnati is America's 4th manliest city. Dayton is 15th. Ohio seems to be pretty manly. You couldn't tell by the way we vote.

Mises scholar's analogy shows how Obama is like Bush on steroids:
Imagine Bush as a drunken sailor in port for the first time in a year. He goes into a casino in Atlantic City, sits down at a thousand-dollar-a-hand blackjack table, and promptly loses a million dollars. Obama comes in as Bush's replacement, and the casino seats him in Bush's old chair. While bemoaning the situation, Obama tells us we must end this failed policy by moving up to the ten-thousand-a-hand table and doubling down. Of course, this makes no sense whatsoever, and the sane person would quickly back away. But sanity appears not to be present anywhere in Washington these days.

Frustrated Texan writes open letter to IRS saying he'll pay his federal taxes as soon as he gets his stimulus check, but not to worry - then he goes on an lists some 30 other taxes he's already paid. Our government is crushing us.

Madoff to plead guilty. Good riddance.

You would think it was impossible to research anything, not just stem cells, without federal money. Bush didn't tie anybody's hands. George Soros could have funded all the embryonic stem cell research liberals could stand if he had wanted. Liberals could have all donated 20 bucks out of their own pockets to fund embryonic stem cell research. Bush was a fool to take money from people by force to fund research against their will for the lines he did fund.

The government doesn't recognize the recession. Government is booming! Of course, all those non-productive jobs are paid for by the productive sector of the economy - the private sector.

Obama is doing an equally poor job of overseeing bailout funds as did Bush. That's because big government is ineffective. You can't centrally plan and oversee everything. This is one of the many fatal flaws of big government.

The world lost about $50 trillion in wealth in 2008. Obviously the major culprit is the Fed, but pretty much all western central banks pushed inflationary monetary policy.

Thomas Sowell wants to know why Americans who pay their mortgage or rent because they can't afford to buy should subsidize Americans who bought more house than they could afford. Because Obama said so, that's why.

The WSJ explains that carbon cap and trade is really a tax. The costs are inevitably paid for by consumers.
Hit hardest would be the "95% of working families" Mr. Obama keeps mentioning, usually omitting that his no-new-taxes pledge comes with the caveat "unless you use energy." Putting a price on carbon is regressive by definition because poor and middle-income households spend more of their paychecks on things like gas to drive to work, groceries or home heating.

Cap and trade, in other words, is a scheme to redistribute income and wealth -- but in a very curious way. It takes from the working class and gives to the affluent; takes from Miami, Ohio, and gives to Miami, Florida; and takes from an industrial America that is already struggling and gives to rich Silicon Valley and Wall Street "green tech" investors who know how to leverage the political class.

Obama will diversify the WSJ ownership if it keeps telling the truth like this.

They say that as goes California, so goes the nation. California's suicide presages the ongoing suicide of America. Suicide by government.

Boortz likes this defense of capitalism, and it's fine as far as it goes, but the author clearly does not understand capitalism or the US economy.
It didn’t seem possible six months ago that capitalism in the United States could be in danger.

We haven't had true capitalism in the US in 100 years because of constant, insidious, progressive attacks. If you look at Marx's 10 planks for communism in the Communist Manifesto, you'll notice that most of them have been achieved in the US either fully or significantly. From the Fed, the income tax and government schools to attacks on private property, inheritance and government domination of our health care sector (which Marx would have listed if he had thought of it) our economy is closer to communism than capitalism. Taking stakes in banks just takes us one step closer. I'm happy Charon pulled her head out of the sand, but people who are just waking up to how badly capitalism is under attack in America have long been part of the problem.

Wikipedia keeps scrubbing Obama's page of information about the controversy over where he was born and other controversial issues like Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers.

Obama's step-grandmother in Kenya to fight the testse fly, but I'm sure Obama won't reach into his own pocket to help her. But Obama will probably take money from taxpayers by force and send it to her.

New Yorkers upset over bowling tax.

Protectionism hasn't gripped the world as much as rhetoric.

Cato illuminates the delusions Mexico's leaders are entertaining because of the growing drug violence.
Washington Times correspondent Sara Carter reports that a high-level source in the Pentagon concludes that the two leading drug-trafficking organizations, the Sinaloa and Gulf cartels, now field more than one hundred thousand armed foot soldiers. That figure does not take into account the enforcers at the disposal of the smaller cartels. Adding their personnel to the mix would likely bring the total to one hundred forty to one hundred fifty thousand. In short, the forces the drug gangs can deploy are now nearly as numerous as Mexico's one hundred eighty-eight thousand man army.


Inflation is baaaaack.

Suddenly Republicans like the judicial filibuster. What a shocker. These last 2 essays from Cato show signs of life. Maybe Cato is getting a little energized itself.

Day 1 notes from the International Conference on Climate Change. Day 2 notes from the International Conference on Climate Change. This is a conference of real scientists discussing real science.

This essay on the current (lack of) direction of the conservative movement is sometimes on the mark, sometimes well off the mark. For example, Republicans did lose because they governed too much like Democrats (what Limbaugh would say wasn't conservative enough). But the anti-intellectuals who so loudly supported Bush seem to be gaining power, not losing it, and no direction other than anti-liberal has emerged.

Apparently Obama's bizarre diplomatic behavior toward Britain was intentional because Obama rejects a special relationship between the US and Britain. I bet Brown is pissed.

Pat Buchanan thinks Obama is repeating the mistakes of LBJ.

Chuck Norris doesn't sound all that tongue in cheek when he talks about Texas seceding from the union.

E-Verify is a big government non-solution to illegal immigration that would be terribly administrated, abused, corrupted and used against US citizens just like every other big government program. The solution to illegal immigration is to end the war on drugs and to demand employers check 2 forms of ID, one of which must be a birth certificate, green card, or visa before hiring anybody. If bartenders can check ID, employers can check ID.

US officials say Iran has enough lowly enriched uranium to make a bomb, but it hasn't enriched any of that into weapon's grade material, contrary to claims by Israeli officials.
United States and Israel are interpreting the same facts, but arriving at different conclusions.

That's not very comforting.

The more we learn about Obama's deficit, the worse it gets. These guys imply his budget is a con job and they show why.

Evaluating earmarks on their merits. That's fine, and on their merits, 90 percent of earmarks today are used by incumbents to buy votes and retain power or by party leaders to grease the wheels so that representatives will vote for bad legislation. The buying votes part is corrupt, and earmarks should be used by the Justice Dept. as a starting point to follow the money in corruption investigations. Legitimate earmarks won't be corrupt.

Idiots like Paul Krugman tell us we need to keep spending more money and that the reason Japan didn't succeed at spending itself out of inflation induced bubble in the 90s is it didn't spend enough money. Take a look Japan's debt on this graph and decide for yourself if Japan didn't spend enough and if we want to spend more to appease the Keynesian idiots of the world.

The military runs into the age old conundrum about body armor limiting mobility.

Humorous story reminds of the fatal flaw of homosexuality.

Australia to provide sex education to 7 year olds. Something tells me this is going to backfire.

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