Friday, March 27, 2009

Free kibbles

Warning about the dangers of extreme solar weather to electrical systems on Earth. Since we have no idea of how often these occur, it's awful tough to plan for.

Obama doubles down on troop and financial commitments to Afghanistan. That's more blood treasure the US will lose in that rat hole. Using aid to influence development in Pakistan and Afghanistan makes sense, but expanding this war does not. I also think a little, well targeted aid goes a long way, while a lot of aid feeds corruption.

Zimbabwe opposition PM says he'll arrest Mugabe's land thieves. This is not going to end well.

South Park pries open the back rooms of Washington to expose how they determine how to deal with crises.

Daniel Hannan for British Prime Minister! Too bad we don't have as eloquent a champion in the US government to stand up to the socialists of both parties.

But that's not surprising. It's ludicrous to expect that a professional politician would stand up for the private sector. That's like expecting lizards to stand up for the good of mammals. The aristocrats make their livings off the backs of the taxpayers. It's not in their interest or the interests of their families for any professional politician at any level of government to empower the private sector. It's in their personal interest to expand the power of government at the expense of the private sector. The inevitable result is big government, corruption, cronyism, nepotism, corporatism, fascism, and socialism all working for the elites at the expense of the people.

The solution is simple - stop electing professional politicians and return to a government of citizen-representatives. Any person who wants to spend their lives lording power over others has a mental defect that should disqualify them from elected office. These people don't want to lead productive lives, creating wealth that improves the quality of life for every American. They want to siphon the wealth out of the private sector, lowering the quality of life for every American to enrich and empower themselves. We need term limits to force politicians to work in the private sector, not as a lawyer, government contractor, lobbyist or any other government powered job, but in a real wealth creating job far away from the influence of government.

Obama makes uneasy truce with bankers. That's like saying arsonist makes uneasy truce with buildings. How do you think that's going to end?

NATO negotiator meets with Iranian ambassador. Have I mentioned NATO is obsolete and is little more than a welfare program for Europe?

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