Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Free kibbles

My essay on expanding the Visa Waiver program.

Scientists find evidence suggesting water currently flows on Mars.

One of the recommendations from the Iraq Study Group is for unity in Washington. Naturally this will be blamed on Bush despite 3 years of baseless attacks by Democrats. Incoming Democratic intel chairman supports sending more troops to Iraq. Maybe there's more unity than reported.

Jeff Jacoby explains why negotiating with Iran and Syria is a bad idea. The problem isn't necessarily negotiating with them, it's allowing them to benefit from the negotiations. Since Bush made stopping uranium enrichment a precondition of any talks, negotiating with Iran would benefit simply from the act of negotiating.

Justin Logan thinks deterence of Iran is less bad than a preemptive war. If Ahmadenijad is ousted, both may become mute.

Richest 2% own half of the world's wealth.

More than 1 in 7 Mexican workers work in the U.S. That's 7 million Mexican workers, many here illegally. Who are the other 5-13 million illegal immigrants?

9 out of 10 emails are spam.

Mother has son arrested for disobeying. This is the result of the nanny state mentality destroying families.

Public praying by Muslims is going to be a big cultural problem. Three separate investigations have found no wrong-doing by the crew for removing the 6 imams.

Dick Morris doesn't think Hillary should be President.

Church goers give more to charity than any other group in the U.S.

Do you own your own body?

Ben Shapiro asks if we'll ever win another war, but in this article he makes a simple statement about the Cold War:

"We won the Cold War by waiting out our communist opponents. We could lose the war in Vietnam and still win the broader Cold War. We could stalemate in Korea without losing the fight against communism. Communist ideology was bankrupt, and if we denied them resources (as we did by funding anti-communist forces around the globe and rolling back communism under President Reagan), we would be successful in the long run."

This is exactly what China and Russia are doing to us today in the new Cold War of Terror. They are empowering Iran and North Korea and the jihadists to drain our resources so China and Russia can defeat us in the long run. And our trade is funding Russia and China to wage this new cold war against us. We're defeating ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Gates shooots from the hip with a unloaded gun
