Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Free kibbles

New York City votes to ban transfats. Maybe coke will be next. Where does it stop? What will it take for Americans to reject politicians who have no respect for freedom?

NASA to establish international base on the moon.

Gates lowers expectations on Iraq - says we'll be in Iraq "for a long time." John Podhoretz says we have to kill the bad guys to win in Iraq. Bush refuses to entertain that option, and instead Iraq is to command its own troops by next spring. I think we're just giving them more rope.

Pat Buchanan rips our Middle East policy by illustrating its results.

Italy seeks trial for CIA and Italian spies for kidnapping in rendition case.

Of course Russia opposes sanctions against it's proxy in the new Cold War of Terror, Iran.

Russia refuses to extradite suspect in ex-spy poisoning case. So much for Russian cooperation.

The Taliban, funded by the U.S. war on drugs, repelled British troops in fight over opium valley. The war on drugs is funding our own enemies - the Taliban, Mexican drug cartels, and U.S. street gangs like MS13. If we legalize drugs, we disarm these enemies, stop putting Americans in jail faster than every other civilized nation, and stop most of the crime in America.

"The Department of Homeland Security now admits that there have been 231 documented incursions by Mexican military or police, or drug or people smugglers dressed in military uniforms, during the last ten years, including 63 in Arizona, and several Border Patrol agents have been wounded in these encounters. This admission comes after years of pretending that such incursions were just "accidents.""

Boortz lays out a good, 5 point plan to stop illegal immigration. I'm happy to see he dropped his fence idea in favor of temporary razorwire.

Musharraf floats idea of an independent Kashmir.

Military coup in Fiji.

Dog pulls owners through snow to safety. Has a cat ever done that?

Now Gwyneth Paltrow is proud to be an American. That's why she pays her P.R. person.


  1. Good ole Neal Boortz.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dog pulls owners through snow to safety. Has a cat ever done that?

    Maybe a 160 lb cat pulling you through the snow to his cave to wine and dine

  4. You have a different definition of safety than I do. ;)
