Sunday, December 03, 2006

Free kibbles

Putin upset Blair did not gag dying ex-spy. Putin is an enemy of freedom. Letters reveal secret Russian hit squad. A PR program won't make Russia free. Of course, we'll continue to treat Russia as an ally while they continue to topple democracies, arm our enemies, and threaten our friends. Useful idiots indeed.

Malaysia considers laws restricting bloggers. Congress will use this as a model to attack free speech.

Companies required to keep email and text messages virtually forever.

Report claims Dems to cut missile defense while Bush proposes orbital battle-station. This sounds like an April fools joke.

Libby is pulling no punches in his defense. Good for him. I hope he burns the witch-hunters.

If we had let crops continue to interbreed naturally instead of creating terminator seeds, the crops could adapt to climate change. Reintroducing multiple strains of each crop and letting them interbreed is the wise move even without climate change.

Gwyneth Paltrow prefers Britons to Americans. She also considers Madonna like a sister. Nothing like backstabbing the people who made you rich and famous. Shut up and sing.

Jeff Jacoby thinks support for the war in Iraq has waned because Bush has no policy for victory. Jacoby says changing strategy to win will win Bush political support, and he's exactly right.

Mark Steyn blasts the timid, defensive War in Iraq, James Baker and his commission, John Kerry, and some has-been celebrities all in this essay
. Don't miss this one. I wonder if the Iraq study group interviewed Bui Tin.

An good analysis of the Pope's visit to Turkey.

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