Monday, March 02, 2015

Police State

AVG prototypes privacy glasses designed to defeat facial recognition software.

Of course Cleveland police blame the 12 year old boy they killed for his death, not the officer who shot him.

Canadian police caught in massive cover-up of their spying.

FBI admits Stingrays disrupt cellphone communications.
"Authorities in several states have been caught deceiving judges and defense attorneys about how they use the controversial technology or have simply used the devices without obtaining a warrant in order to avoid disclosing their use to a court. In other cases they have withheld information from courts and defense attorneys about how the stingrays work, refraining from disclosing that the devices pick up location data on all systems in their vicinity, not just targeted phones. Law enforcement agencies have even gone so far as to intervene in public records requests to prevent the public from learning about the technology."
Lies and corruption.

Private police force which replaced government's force reduces crime by 61 percent.
"Not only has SEAL been more successful at preventing crime in Sharpstown than traditional law enforcement, they are cheaper. Sharpstown is saving $200,000 per year over their previous contract with the constable, and they get more patrol officers for less money, reported."
As always.

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