Saturday, March 21, 2015


The US is inciting wars around the world and Europe is following behind, trying to stop them.

Over 1,000 may already be dead in Tikrit battle.

More evidence ISIS is a western phenomenon if not a western creation.
"The latest announcement by Turkey’s foreign minister Meylut Cavusoglu of the arrest of a spy “working for the intelligence service of a country participating in the coalition against ISIS” – presumably Canada – allegedly for helping three young British girls join IS, was revealing. The accusation feeds into a growing discourse that locates IS within a western, not Middle Eastern discourse."
And we know MI5 tried to recruit Jihadi John.
"The conventional analysis on the rise of IS no longer suffices. Tracing the movement to October 2006 when the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), uniting various groups including al-Qaeda was established, simply suggests a starting point to the discussion, whose roots go back to the dismantling of the Iraqi state and army by the US military occupation authority. Just the idea that the Arab republic of Iraq was lead from 11 May, 2003 until 28 June, 2004 by a Lewis Paul Bremer III, is enough to delineate the unredeemable rupture in the country’s identity. Bremer and US military chiefs’ manipulation of Iraq’s sectarian vulnerabilities, in addition to the massive security vacuum created by sending an entire army home, ushered in the rise of numerous groups, some homegrown resistance movements, and other alien bodies who sought in Iraq a refugee, or a rally cry.
Also conveniently missing in the rise of “jihadism” context is the staggering brutality of Shia-dominated governments in Baghdad and militias throughout Iraq, with full backing by the US and Iran. If the US war (1990-1), blockade (1991-2003), invasion (2003) and subsequent occupation of Iraq were not enough to radicalize a whole generation, then brutality, marginalization and constant targeting of Iraqi Sunnis in post-invasion Iraq have certainly done the job."
I have no doubt the jihadists in the region have been aided and abetted by western governments. This seems part of the overall plan to reduce the entire region to the stone age.

Ron Paul asks why US weapons always end up in our enemies' hands.
"It happens so often you wonder whether it is due to total ineptness or a deliberate policy to undermine our efforts overseas."
I'm sure it's both. The US is always on both sides of every war because that benefits our war-profiteering rulers.

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