Thursday, October 16, 2014


In response to sanctions, Putin threatens to cut off gas supplies to Europe this winter.

Socialist nation-building in Iraq.
"Van Buren led two Department of State teams assigned with the abstract mission of the "reconstruction" of Iraq, which was destroyed in the US-led wars and sanctions. He describes the reconstruction of Iraq as such:
"In practice, that meant paying for schools that would never be completed, setting up pastry shops on streets without water or electricity, and conducting endless propaganda events on Washington-generated themes of the week (‘small business,’ ‘women’s empowerment,’ ‘democracy building.’)"
As for the comical scene: "We even organized awkward soccer matches, where American taxpayer money was used to coerce reluctant Sunni teams into facing off against hesitant Shiite ones in hopes that, somehow, the chaos created by the American invasion could be ameliorated on the playing field.""
It's been a great success.

Turkey allows US to fly drones from bases.

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