Thursday, October 23, 2014

Health Care

Opiods should be a last resort for pain, not the first.

Second Dallas nurse free of Ebola. Apparently the first is not.

Doctor in New York City who had been treating Ebola patients in Guinea tests positive for Ebola. He rode the subway right before test.

Hospitals consider refusing care for Ebola patients.

Hooray for Walmart for opening medical clinics.

In article about Walmart clinics, Ilana Mercer is too right.
"The marketplace brings plenty; the state does the opposite. Yet not a day goes by when consumers, ignorant of the forces that feed, clothe, cure, employ, entertain them and innovate for them, don’t demand that those who’ve done nothing of the kind – the McCains, Obamas, Bushes, Clintons, Keith Alexanders, Lois Lerners, Eric Holders of the world – proceed with force against those who do nothing but."
So true.

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