Thursday, October 16, 2014


Students takes picture of terrible school lunch. Good for her.

Government schools can only fail.
"The problems of American public education are the problems associated with any system of government-enforced, tax-supported coercive wealth redistribution: the system of financing conflicts with the expressly stated goals of the planning agencies. This conflict between the method of financing and the stated goals of education has been with us since the days of the Puritans of New England who set up compulsory education which was to be financed, in part, by money collected by the local property tax assessor."
Nothing good comes from stealing.
"Yet it overlooks the fundamental problem of voucher-financed education. The question must still be asked: Where is the locus of authority? And the answer must still be the same: the civil government. The voucher program violates the most important principle of education: parents are responsible for the financing of their children's education. He who is responsible is also legally sovereign, and vice versa. Operationally, the source of the funding determines the locus of authority. The goal of all those who would defend market arrangements must be to determine the moral locus of authority in any particular circumstance, and then see to it that the sovereign agent be made legally and economically responsible for the exercise of his power. By failing to demand that parents be the source of funding for their own children's education, the promoters of the voucher scheme have abdicated their responsibility in extending the principle of voluntarism and its concomitant, personal responsibility. " 

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