Thursday, August 29, 2013


Schools drop the federal healthier meals program because students won't eat them. That's because whole grains are not healthier. They're more damaging. The bottom line was cafeterias were losing money. This was never about health of the students. It was always about grabbing more stolen money.
"Districts that rejected the program say the reimbursement was not enough to offset losses from students who began avoiding the lunch line and bringing food from home or, in some cases, going hungry."
God forbid they bring food from home.
"Not every district can afford to quit. The National School Lunch Program provides cash reimbursements for each meal served: about $2.50 to $3 for free and reduced-priced meals and about 30 cents for full-price meals. That takes the option of quitting off the table for schools with large numbers of poor youngsters."
Trapped in another program.

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