Friday, July 19, 2013

Police State

New Jersey Supreme Court orders police to obtain warrant before obtaining cell phone tracking data. While this is a positive development, the law will not protect us from government.

The head of the NSA wants us to believe that terrorists did not know about NSA programs until Snowden leaked them. Baloney. I knew about them because whistle-blowers have been talking about them for years. The terrorists know more than I do.

Every day there's a headline about big tech companies pressuring NSA on transparency, and every day nothing happens. I think this is all for show. They're working together to try and cover up corporate complicity with NSA, and once  they get their story straight, they'll release that lying story.

I wondered yesterday why the Zimmerman case was publicized so much while the case of the white Wisconsin man who shot 13 year old black boy was not. Now I think I know. Statists realized Zimmerman would likely not be convicted, so they whipped up a furor about that case so they could make our justice system even more outrageously biased towards the state. It's worked. People everywhere are calling for increasing the power of prosecutors and judges. Miscarriage of justice is a daily occurrence in the US, but the miscarriage is convicting innocent people and prosecutorial abuse, not guilty people getting off.

The Dutch government has quintupled its number of wiretaps in the last year.

It's funny how the media promotes violence by idolizing mass murderers, but when Rolling Stone takes it from 99 percent to 100 percent, the rest of the media gets angry.

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