Monday, July 29, 2013

Global Warming and Energy

I saw a headline the other day about the North Pole having melted again. I didn't bother clicking on the article because I knew it was a lie. Here's the proof.

NASA goes further off the rails with a prediction that US temperatures will rise by eight degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. Hansen was already fired. Somebody else should get fired.
"The interesting part is that they chose the years 1970 to 1999 to calibrate the models.   Calibrate them to what?"
NASA calibrated the models to the political climate in Washington, the masters they serve, so they could receive more money stolen from taxpayers. This a rational, self-serving decision.

Global warming belief tracks the weather. The frauds know this, or at least suspect it, that's why they try to take advantage of every weather event to push the fraud.

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