Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Police State

Cop leaks pictures of Boston Marathon suspect 2, bloodied from being shot by police despite being unarmed, as he surrenders from boat to protest Rolling Stone cover. This is intended to be more bias for the prosecution.

Will Rolling Stone lose sales for cover of Boston Marathon bombing suspect 2?

Pictorial evidence that the black backpack carried by the Craft International security guy was not the one that exploded.

Florida state attorney drops charges against man arrested for barking at police dog. He probably only dropped them because he's a Gators fan.

The source of the Trayvon Martin protests.
"We also are informed that the demonstrations for Trayvon are not spontaneous grassroots events. They are being organized by Dream Defenders, which has connections to the SEIU union, ACORN, Occupy, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Dream Defenders plans, funds, and prints the signs for these demonstrations. In an interview, one of its directors stated: “We are actually trying to change the capitalist system we have today, because it’s not working for any of us.” But even though Dream Defenders has carefully orchestrated false demonstrations, they are not attracting the following they expected. We have also learned that the Justice Department used our tax dollars to fund anti-Zimmerman protests. We wait, hopefully not in vain, for Congress to redress this action. "
It's in vain. Those are Obama's Marxist cronies. DOJ helped organize protests.

Secret police and secret courts mimic Kafka.

NSA claims it doesn't have the technology to search its own emails. You can't make this stuff up.

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