Saturday, February 25, 2012

Free kibbles


Father arrested and strip-searched in Canada because his daughter drew a picture of a gun at school.


If you remember, there was a big global warming job bust in Spain a couple of years ago, and subsequently  a study showed that every green job created by government theft cost 2.2 jobs in the productive private sector economy. The damage is worse. Now we know that the parasitic government economy killed not only 2.2 jobs per phony green job, it also created ghost towns in Spain.


Evidence that Dr. Glieck committed identity fraud to get Heartland data because he was bested in a debate by a skeptic from Heartland. He pretended to be an insider to get donor information he could publicize so his partners in crime would harass them in order to obtain personal revenge. He also allegedly faked a document. Glieck requests leave of absence from Pacific Institute. There's a lot of truth in this quote.
"The Gleick incident, he said, shows that the “debate” over global warming is not really a debate any more. It’s a war, and when people are waging war, they always lie for their cause."
Much as the government is waging a war on drugs, poverty, and all other social ills, it's also waging a war on carbon dioxide. There's never been a public debate about this. It's been a mission from the start. The government hands out billions to frauds to promote their fraud and it makes sure skeptics get nothing. Ultimately this is about who controls and therefore gets rich off the government money. For decades, the frauds have controlled it and used to thorough corrupt the peer review process and the scientific literature while enriching themselves. But the skeptics are carrying on a public debate and are winning it, and that threatens the gravy train of all the frauds and environmental groups. That's why they resort to fraud to try and keep the money flowing. Law enforcement groups, prosecutors, judges, jailers and big corporations do the same thing to make sure they continue profiting from government's war on drugs.

The Glieck pseudo-science story continues to grow.

Politics use the faked documents to demand real documents from Heartland which they will subsequently publicize for the same purpose as Glieck. 

EPA restores the record of its funding to Glieck's Pacific Institute. Because Glieck is on the side of the government and its money, he'll survive this just like Phil Jones survived climategate, just like Michael Mann survived the hockey stick and James Hansen survives fraud after fraud.

I hate to feel bad for Glieck. This guy is one of the biggest frauds who has stolen our money to promote the anthropomorphic global warming fraud, and like all his fraudulent compadres, he deserves nothing but contempt. But his actions have exposed such an extensive series of frauds committed by him, that I can't help but feel bad that he's been exposed. Shame on me. I hate to think so badly of anybody, it seriously bugs me, but Glieck earned it.

Breakdown of funding for the climate fraud.

Greenpeace mining the trash of skeptics. Why not? This is big money for them.


Smart Republicans want to attract libertarians to the party, then take advantage of them. Santorum is not smart.
"In June 2011, Santorum said he would continue to 'fight very strongly against libertarian influence within the Republican party and the conservative movement.' In an NPR interview in the summer of 2005, Santorum discussed what he called the 'libertarianish right,' saying 'they have this idea that people should be left alone, be able to do whatever they want to do. Government should keep our taxes down and keep our regulation low and that we shouldn't get involved in the bedroom, we shouldn't get involved in cultural issues, you know, people should do whatever they want. Well, that is not how traditional conservatives view the world, and I think most conservatives understand that individuals can't go it alone...'"
Republicans have a huge problem this election. All the excitement comes from Ron Paul supporters. If Paul doesn't win the nomination, most of them won't vote for the Republican nominee. If Paul doesn't win the nomination, this election will be even more lame than Clinton versus Dole. If Republicans lose this election against the worst president in my lifetime, it's hard to see how the party survives.


Claim that Foxnews edited a video to make it appear the audience applauded John Bolton's support for the Iraq war made by a veteran who asked Bolton a question about it.


Apparently wage theft, when businesses don't pay employees for overtime or other reasons, is a big local issue. As bad as this sounds, I want to hear the other side of the story. But that side will never be publicized. This is one of those many problems created by government that now people want government to solve.

You know how governments always lie about future conditions, and I don't mean they make mistakes, I mean they know full well that future conditions will be worse than the claim? Locally, traffic at the Austin Blvd exchange has already exceeded the lying levels politicians claimed for 2035.

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