Saturday, February 11, 2012

Free kibbles


The Catholic Bishops oppose Obama's compromise on birth control and the morning after pill insurance, but on stupid grounds. It's like they don't realize Obama's compromise changes nothing. He's still ordering people around at the point of a gun. The price for the mandate will be rolled into the price paid by the Catholic institutions. Obama's supposed compromise is an illusion, but the Catholic Bishops are buying into the illusion instead of resisting this tyrannical decree on principle. The Catholic Church should oppose this and all regulations on the grounds they are acts of aggression. Threats of violence backed by violence.


Armed citizens in Detroit are defending themselves and killing crooks because the government can't protect them. The difference between is the people in Detroit are no longer fooled by government's false sense of security.


Obama to propose lowering the corporate tax rate. I find that hard to believe. That would be good for business, and Obama doesn't want to help business. It also would hurt him with his base. On the other hand, it would help him with swing voters. If he does this, it means he thinks corporations and swing voters are more important to his re-election than his base.


The bankster empire hates banking privacy in Switzerland.
"The U.S. Justice Department called Switzerland's largest private bank a fugitive from justice on Friday after it didn't send any representatives to a court hearing in New York, where it has been charged with conspired with American clients to hide $1.2 billion from the Internal Revenue Service."
This is what the US government gets for trying to steal the money of Americans overseas. I hope the Swiss continue to resist. They weakened their laws somewhat, and some banks have caved.
"Wegelin & Co. is accused of helping at least 100 U.S. clients conceal huge sums of money from the IRS in overseas accounts. Federal prosecutors said the bank recruited American customers who were concerned about possible prosecution for tax violations at home, including some that had already pulled money out of other Swiss banks because of growing pressure from U.S. law enforcement. Three of the bank's client advisers were indicted in January. The bank was added as a defendant in the case on Feb. 2"
I hope they strengthen the banking privacy laws and banks stop caving.
"U.S. officials, however, have yet to find a way to move the case forward. The three Wegelin advisers charged in the case, Michael Berlinka, Urs Frei and Roger Keller, have not been arrested and the Justice Department has decided that any attempt to extradite them from Switzerland is unlikely to succeed."
Good for the Swiss government. I have a solution. Put an end to the IRS stealing money.


Iranian government to announce advances in its nuclear program. The Iranian people are going to be proud to hear this. It's going to make them support their government more. Western government aggression is driving the Iranian people into the hands of their government, making the Iranian government stronger and making it more likely to develop a nuclear weapon to defend itself from that aggression. Governments that don't face threats don't develop nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent, so countries that don't need a deterrent don't develop them. If western governments stopped threatening the Iranian government, it would not need a nuclear deterrent. Iranian government shuts down internet. There are still protesters in Iran. Too bad our government has weakened them so badly with sanctions, otherwise they might have the power to overthrow the government.

Protests spread to Lebanon. Egyptians protest army rule. New uprising in Lybia. US led western government aggression is setting the entire Muslim world on fire. This is why so many libertarians fear this is WWIII.

Does anybody want bet which government enabled or carried out the assassination of this Syrian General?

Saudi Arabia threatens death sentence for reporter because he tweeted,
"I have loved things about you and I have hated things about you and there is a lot I don't understand about you I will not pray for you."
Coming soon to the US.


I don't think there's anyway the people would allow Jeb Bush to become the Republican nomime in a brokered convention. Besides which, it would be outrageously stupid because Obama has been running against George Bush for five years, and it would play right into that strategy.

Republican establishment tool says that Romney narrowly defeated Ron Paul in Maine. Maybe he's right. Maybe he's lying through his teeth like so many other establishment mouthpieces in this primary. Apparently the establishment canceled caucuses in which Paul was expected to win.
"In particular, a senior Paul aide had suggested that the Romney campaign was involved in the cancellation of a caucus where Paul’s campaign had expected to do well. “It’s not completely insidious, but they knew we were going to swamp it up there,” said Paul campaign chairman Jesse Benton.
The state GOP said that the caucus was cancelled due to inclement weather."
Nice of the establishment to manipulate the caucuses to favor Romney. The pervasive corruption on the US election system is on gross display. The Paul campaign has a different point of view. Here's a quote from Paul's campaign manager:
"Tonight you saw dueling examples of how much the establishment is scared of Ron Paul and his message of liberty.

Ron Paul will win the most delegates out of Maine tonight.  

In fact, he will probably even win the “beauty contest” Straw Poll the media has already called for Mitt Romney – even before all the votes have been tallied.

“HOW CAN THAT BE?” you might be asking yourself.

Simple.  The national political establishment and their pals in the national media will do ANYTHING to silence our message of liberty.
I hope he's right. Because the establishment candidates typically win primary after primary, this corruption has never been exposed. It's only since Ron Paul became a contender that this corruption has come to light. If for no other reason, Paul's candidacy has been a success.

Remember how the head Republican in Iowa had to resign in disgrace after the corrupt vote count in the primary? He's being replaced by a Ron Paul supporter.


British government arrests Murdoch reporters and government bureaucrats for phone hacking. The government hates competition.

Low power invention for desalinating sea water.


I'm so sad to hear Whitney Houston has died. She is so beautiful and so talented. I'm broken hearted that she died. Please, I hope this report is a fake. I can't name a person with a better voice than her in my lifetime.

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