Friday, February 03, 2012

Free kibbles


Statistics show that much like FDR trapped the US in the great depression, Obama has trapped us in the greater depression. What these statistics fail to show is that Republicans dragged us into both.

The US economy lost millions of jobs in January, but because the government has corrupted statistics to make itself look good no matter who is in charge, the official statistics show that unemployment has dropped to 8.3 percent. That's like if the government was counting the percentage of people safe from zombies after zombies had infected millions of people.


Obama comes up with with a new central plan that FDR wishes he'd lived long enough to try: making vets dig ditches then fill them back in again. Thank God FDR died before he could do this so that returning vets could power the economic growth of the late 1940s and 1950s.


Not satisfied with destroying the ability of city kids to work, the government now wants to destroy the ability of farm children to work.


Ron Paul almost gets Greenspan to admit that gold is money and fiat money is doomed.


Government enables institutionalized cheating on doctor exams. Some might thing government should stamp this out, but what incentive is there to do that?


An example of the terrible way war warps war fighters.

After years of abuse that many would say rises to the level or torture. whistle-blower Bradly Manning will face court-martial for exposing the US government's dirty laundry. This could have happened a year ago. Maybe longer ago. This isn't justice. It's retribution.


What are the chances Ron Paul would support Newt Gingrich if he won the Republican nomination?
That's another position Paul and I have in common. The difference is Gingrich has a political history of attacking Paul. I just refuse to support his positions.

Somehow or another Trump has transformed himself into a political force. It's no surprise this plutocrat recently endorsed Romney. Nor is it a surprise this plutocrat has historically supported Harry Reid.

The same conservatives who frequently invoke Jesus or religion to support their status quo positions ridicule Obama for doing the same.

The Stalinites have lost their support in many states while the Maoites have gained. I'm supposed to think this is a good thing. No. Many, many, many Americans and people across the world are going to die thanks to the too socialist parties governing America.

Neo-nazis exposed for trying to bridge with Ron Paul and failing. Naturally the failing part is not part of the story. Suddenly the media loves Anonymous for publishing these emails that slime the Paul campaign by association even though they show no two-way association. The attempts to slime Paul with racial attacks continue. Ron Paul is very, very scary to the establishment, and rightly so.

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