Sunday, February 12, 2012

Free kibbles


Yesterday there was an article claiming Obama would promote lowering corporate tax rates, but his budget includes new corporate taxes. Man, this article is bad. It says Obama will cut spending by $1.5 trillion. That's baloney. The budget is $4 trillion. That's increased spending, not a spending cut.

What terrifyingly accurate headline:
"Greek lawmakers pass austerity bill as Athens burns"
This is what government produces.


Pictures of Iraq before and after the war.


Republican establishment in Maine postpones caucus to keep Ron Paul from winning.
"“In Washington County – where Ron Paul was incredibly strong – the caucus was delayed until next week just so the votes wouldn’t be reported by the national media today.
“Of course, their excuse for the delay was ‘snow.’
“That’s right.  A prediction of 3-4 inches – that turned into nothing more than a dusting - was enough for a local GOP official to postpone the caucuses just so the results wouldn’t be reported tonight.
“This is MAINE we’re talking about. The GIRL SCOUTS had an event today in Washington County that wasn’t cancelled!
“And just the votes of Washington County would have been enough to put us over the top.
“This is an outrage. But our campaign is in this race to win, and will stay in it to the very end."
The establishment has no morals. More establishment shenanigans in the Maine caucus.

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