Sunday, May 22, 2011

Free kibbles


Most people think politicians are stupid because government fails to provide decent services at a decent price. Those people don't understand the nature of government. If you think that government exists to provide efficient services to people, then you're a sucker. Once you realize that government exists for the sole purpose of looting the people on behalf of the ruling class, and it uses pseudo-services to fool us into allowing government to loot us, everything government does makes sense. Medicare is a perfect example.


You can't turn on the TV without a show on how man-made global warming is going to cut off the Gulf of Mexico conveyor belt and plunge the world into a new ice age. Unfortunately for the frauds, it's not happening.


Sometimes headlines are accidentally honest.
"Obama, Israelis are not willing to commit suicide"
Nope. They order others to die in their place. It's way less painful that way. You can't make this stuff up.


Another establishment favorite, Mitch Daniels, chooses not to run. I wonder what the deal is. Are they all afraid to be called racists for attacking Obama's record? Obama's making me nostalgic for Jimmy Carter. The establishment recruits Paul Ryan, the most prominent, evil Republican in Congress. There's never been a Republican spending program he hasn't supported, but he's so slimy, he's convinced people he supports cutting spending. In the Republican field, he's a liar without par, and people believe him. No thank you.


According to the press, the first black president is visiting his ancestral homeland in Ireland. I wasn't aware Ireland was the ancestral  home of black people. Either the press or I have made some mistake, or more likely Obama is trying to have it both ways. IMO, either Obama's homeland is Ireland or he's black. Not both. Nobody can have it both ways.


Well known murderer who got away with it, Ray Lewis, claims that if the football season doesn't start on time, crime will increase. I take that as a threat that Lewis will kill more people if the owners don't let the players play. I've been a stanch supporter of the players in this situation because the owners have unilaterally cancelled the contract and locked the players out. This is a blatant money-grab by the owners. But for murderers like Lewis to make threats about committing crimes if the owners don't cave makes me sympathize with owners.

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