Friday, May 20, 2011

Free kibbles


Is anybody surprised that the culture at the IMF is one of abuse towards women? The same is true of Congress and US government bureaucracies. This is the dirty little secret of government that the press covers up for the benefit of the ruling class. This is a product of the inherent corruption and violence of government. Because government is violence - it forces others to bend to its will at the point of a gun - and it funds itself through theft, it attracts the worst people in the country. It rewards the most violent and the best liars and thieves. The worst of the worst rise to the top. These are not normal people. They're sickos. They're the kind of people who sexually assault others.

Welfare is always corrupting, and government attempts to change that just expand the government and the black markets, making things worse.


Prediction that when the Fed ends QEII, a bust will occur. What could stop that is bank lending, which is starting to happen, fueling inflation.

LinkedIn's massive IPO raises concerns about a new bubble. No doubt.


If you send you kids to government schools, the government raises them as it wishes, not you.


Obama thanks Romney for helping pass Obamacare. He should be careful. Humor is fine, but Romney is probably the weakest Republican. He shouldn't run him out of the race. But like I said, I think a monkey could beat Obama with the declining economy we're suffering.


For a long time environmentalists have claimed the earth is experiencing a massive extinction event without backing it up with evidence. Now a skeptic challenges that claim.

The reason government banned phosphorous in household cleaners is supposedly because it harms the environment, but this industrial cleaner which contains several different kinds of phosphorous is considered biodegradable.

The polar bear population is not shrinking.


Privacy resists the police state.
"Privacy is the single most effective means of preserving freedom against an encroaching state. Privacy rests on the assumption that — in the absence of specific evidence of wrongdoing — an individual has a right to shut his front door and tell other people (including the government) to mind their own damned business. This is a presumption of innocence. It is also the bedrock of civil society."
Like gun ownership, privacy is a product of sovereignty. They're stealing it fast.

Skeptics still wonder if the IMF chief was caught in a honey-trap.
"What great timing for Sarkozy! Just as a major "much anticipated" negative film is about to dominate the news about Sarkozy, Sarkozy's chief political opponent is caught in a major sex scandal that not only knocks him out of the race but results in knocking news about the Sarkozy negative film off the front pages in France.Sarkozy is one very, very lucky dude, or France's Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure is pretty damn good."
I doubt we'll ever know for sure.


NATO escalates the war in Libya by sinking eight Libyan warships. Western forces have now extended this war for nearly two months, increasing the casualties by doing so. Before NATO intervened, Qaddafi had been targeting rebels. Afterwards, he began indiscriminately bombing their strongholds, producing more casualties. This war has nothing to do with humanitarianism.


Ron Paul's foreign policy on the Middle East. I'm tired of hearing about this president or that president's plan for Middle East peace. It's a crock. The ruling class always profits from war. War is the health of the state. War is a racket. That's why governments so often promote war. The US government promotes war. The Israeli government promotes war. The Palestinian government promotes war. The Arab nations around Israel promote war. The idea that the US government, the Israeli government and the Palestinian government are trying to achieve peace is a joke. The idea that adding a third party with a third set of interests to peace negotiations will aid in achieving peace is a joke. The Middle East peace process has never been about peace. It's always been about advancing the interests of the ruling classes in the US, Israel and surrounding nations.

Syrian troops shoot at protesters, killing at least 23.


Gangster government.
"The essence of Gangster Government was summed by a comment President Barack Hussein Obama made in October, 2010:We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us."
I don't think this is new to Obama. He just took it to a new level. The next president will probably take even further.
"His contempt for the Republican opposition was summed up when the Democrat-in-Chief said: “They can come for the ride, but they have to sit in the back.“ So now, Jim Crow has also become a philosophical tenet of the Obama regime."
It not only showed his contempt, it was also priceless pandering to black voters.
"Published by Regnery in 2011, the book leaves no doubt that what we are dealing with in the White House is unprecedented corruption on a scale that can only be characterized as criminal in its violations of the U.S. Constitution, violations that have all of the earmarks of gangster activity."
Obama's is the most lawless presidency I've ever seen, but I didn't see LBJ's, FDR's, Wilson's or Lincoln's. Those guys were pretty lawless, so I'm skeptical of calling Obama the most lawless ever.

Any headline that reports "people defy ban" grabs my attention.
"MADRID (AP) — Tens of thousands of people are defying a pre-election ban on demonstrations and protesting unemployment in squares around Spain in defiance of an order to quit at midnight."
Every day we read a new story about people who are throwing off their parasitic governments. But I don't see them replacing them with free societies. Freedom is answer.


Amazon now sells more ebooks than hardbacks and paperbacks combined.

1 comment:

  1. V in PA12:02 PM

    Monkey and Obama in the same sentence. Is that a dog whistle I hear??
