Thursday, May 19, 2011

Free kibbles


Rep. Maxine Waters admits she wants to nationalize the oil companies.


Rich people are moving their money overseas. Who can blame them?


Small Business Administration reports that federal regulations cost $1.7 trillion 2008. I'm surprised that number isn't much higher.


If the internet can end snow days, maybe it should end all days locked up in government prisons for students.

Substitute teacher arrested for urinating in garbage can in class of fourth graders.


Report claims health care costs to rise 8.5 percent in 2012, exacerbated by Obamcare.

Nice to see this in the mainstream media:
"The legacy of the government's dietary guidelines may turn out to be a disturbing list of unintended consequences, including possibly the current obesity epidemic."
Let's hope this message grows and breaks the back of the corrupt government-corporate food and health care establishment. Mark Sisson explains the human body is designed to run on fat, not carbs. It's a crime, literally, that the establishment pushes a carb agenda. The reason I call it a crime is that corporations make more money off land that produces grains, therefore they have more money than meat and vegetable producers to buy our power from the politicians and bureaucrats, so the government uses our money and power to push a pro-grain, pro-carb agenda through its food-producing and health-care-providing agents that makes Americans obese and sick with multiple chronic diseases. It's all about using the power of government to line the pockets of politicians, bureaucrats and their corporate agents. That's why they stubbornly cling to that agenda despite all evidence to the contrary. This is an inevitable consequence of government control of our food supply and health care. It could not happen in a free market.


Boortz summarizes: "The Democrats plan to combat high gas prices is to "find less" oil and "tax more."" Exactly.

NOAA once again predicts a higher than normal hurricane year, just like they've done every year for years now. Like a broken clock, they're going to be right one of these times.


The Onion nails TSA with this one. Bad language.


It turns out the US government has been involved in a covert ground war in Lybia since February. Western powers fomented the phony Libyan revolution. It's not like the groundswell revolutions in neighboring countries. And we wonder why they hate us.


Obama to buy control of new middle eastern governments with money stolen from US taxpayers.
"Speaking in Washington, the president will attempt to reposition the US as a champion of the newly-emerging Arab democracies."
What a laugher. After nearly a century of propping up some of the worst dictators in the region, suddenly our government supports democracy? Now this is a vision for peace according to his sycophants. I guess he plans to bomb and bribe the Middle East into peace.


It's interesting to see a member of the mainstream press entertain the idea that democracy is the enemy of prosperity in the long term.


Don't the plaintiffs in this copyright case realize that if they win this battle, they'll lose the war?

Big Ten considers paying players. This would be a fabulous development. It would start a bidding war that would give star college players leverage to negotiate for a pseudo-market wage.

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