Thursday, May 12, 2011

Free kibbles


Illinois state government raises taxes then gives $100 million to Motorola Mobility to keep its headquarters in Illinois. This is what passes for economic development by government. This is a perfect example of how government loots the people to create and protect giant corporations and turn them into agents of the government. Government exists to loot the common man on behalf of the ruling class - it can't be any other way - and it performs this task with ruthless efficiency.


FCC commissioner resigns to join Comcast-NBC. This is a reminder that corporations are just government agents. You can't tell where one ends and the other begins.

New York Mayor Bloomberg dictates the single make and model of future New York taxis.


Barney Frank wants to centralize control of the Federal Reserve by restricting the open market committee to Washington bureaucrats. This is the opposite of reform.


Here's a nice reminder that government is force. This also highlights my contention that the number one goal of government schools is to brainwash students to blindly obey authority.


Mitt Romney tries to hide the fact he was for Obamacare when it was called Romneycare by coming out and promising to repeal Obamacare.
"Mr. Romney has lately qualified his praise, saying in a speech in New Hampshire in March that "our experiment wasn't perfect—some things worked, some things didn't, and some things I'd change." He's mostly avoided specifics other than retreating to the cover of state experimentation, but we can fill in the details based on interviews with Romney staffers as well as others present at the creation."
Another central planner who likes to experiment with people's lives like they're lab rats. The Wall Street Journal doesn't fall for the charade and blasts Romney for Romneycare. Excellent. Romney's the Republican Obama, the say anything to get elected candidate.

Thanks to the FDA and its factory farms, staff super-bugs now exist in grocery store meat. Government won't stop until it kills us all or we abolish it.


Senate Republicans want to merge the Department of Energy and the EPA. That doesn't sound like small government to me. I want to abolish them.


SWAT team kills another innocent man in the name of the war on drugs.


Comparing bin Laden to Obi-Wan Kenobi is absurd.


Iraqi government to ban smoking. Our government exports tyranny, not freedom. A vote is not freedom.


The return of the bedbugs with a super-bug.

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