Thursday, January 20, 2011

Free kibbles


Funny ad for grad school.


Walmart to reformulate food products to be more healthy. I'm skeptical since they're doing this in conjunction with the government and the FDA is the biggest promoter of unhealthy food on the planet.


FBI arrests over 100 mafia suspects in New York. This is the FBI's largest organized crime bust in history. Obviously organized crime is thriving thanks to government.

Washington D.C. is going nuts with surveillance cameras. These are not about stopping terrorists. Terrorists don't care if they're caught on camera.

Police detain and interrogate man for taking pictures of the misnamed Freedom Tower.


The post inadvertently points out a remarkable similarity between liberals and conservatives.
"Listen to the terrific answer Ron Paul gives about why he doesn’t want the government providing universal health care. As per Ralph Nader on this particular issue, it always amazes me how people think government is a corrupt, inefficient provider of something that they don’t like (wars, in Ralph’s case), but somehow magically transforms itself into an efficient, economically sound organization when it is going to provide something they do want (health care)."
It's like they're both schizophrenic. Liberals think government is wonderful at providing welfare, housing, education, redistributing wealth, etc., but they recognize that the justice system, intelligence system, wars, etc. are corrupt and violent and used for looting. Conservatives are just as schizophrenic, but in the other direction. I don't know why they can't figure out that the nature of the system makes it all corrupt and violent.


Henry Lee opposed the Constitution.

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