Friday, January 07, 2011

Free kibbles


Courts invalidate foreclosure sales because the foreclosing companies couldn't prove they owned the homes because during the housing boom, companies didn't meticulously follow the law. This is going to cause big problems.


Private schools in India are enabling the poorest Indians to bust out of their lowest caste and become successful. This is an important reminder that a free market in education is the best solution for the eduction of poor people.


I'm not surprised the earth's atmosphere cleans up pollution. If it didn't all the pollution from volcanoes would have made the planet uninhabitable billions of years ago. Man is nothing compared to the earth.

Global warming frauds in Congress go nuts when Lord Monckton testifies that CO2 is plant food. They don't want people to know that CO2 is essential for life, and the more there is in the atmosphere, the bigger, faster and more plants grow.
"But, no one can deny the truth. Plants live on CO2. They are made of carbohydrates (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen). They get their carbon from the CO2 in the atmosphere. It is a fact that the best food crop yields occur when plants are grown in atmospheres that are triple or quadruple current CO2 levels. That proves current CO2 levels are way below most of the period of plant life evolution and adaptation on Earth."
They want to control our very breath and by doing so our lives.


Infrastructure built by the US in Afghanistan is crumbling from lack of maintenance by Afghans.


Republicans reading the Constitution is a humorous political stunt, but I don't know why anybody would criticize them for not reading parts that have been amended. The Constitution as currently amended is the law of the land, not the original.


Funding science in a free marketplace.

Austrian theory of money. Nice example explains fractional reserve banking, showing how banks create money out of thin air.

LotR Online transition to free model triples revenue.

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