Monday, July 14, 2014

Global Warming and Energy

El Nino stubbornly refuses to assert itself. Showing the unbridled hubris exhibited mostly by bureaucrats, NOAA announces it expects the atmosphere to conform to its predictions of a new ENSO any day now.

Environmentalists want cars to release water vapor instead of CO2. Apparently they aren't aware water vapor is a fantastically greater greenhouse gas that CO2 and if they got their way, the planet would roast.

People who claim to care about global warming use more energy. I could have told you that.

In corrupt-temperature-world, the last three months were the hottest on record. I guarantee this is not true. The graph in this article is a blatant fraud.

When government has control of anything, like droughts, it employs coercion, like drought police in California. Peaceful agreements are not allowed.

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